The one with the Almost Madrid Civil War.

49 2 3

"What do you mean you're a vegetarian?" Scream Marta into the phone.

"What's going on?" Whispered Isco. The other 4 footballers shrugged. They waited impatiently on the couch for Marta to get off the phone so they could find out what was getting her so angry. Eventually after 10 minutes of back and forth arguing, she hung up and plopped down defeated on the couch.

"Iker, how did we end up being in such a STUPID family?" she asked. He shrugged in response.

"I don't really...know M. Why?" he asked hesitantly. she sat up and leaned her head on Geovanna's shoulder.

"because, last week Aunt Sal called asking me to bake 30 lasagnas for her anniversary dinner tomorrow night- which she didn't even invite me to- and just now called to be sure that i baked VEGETARIAN lasagna, which of course I didn't because meatless lasagna -"

"Is a crime against humanity." interrupted Sergio with certainty. Marta nodded slightly.

"...right. that too. But she didn't even tell me she was a vegetarian, so how was I supposed to know?!" she exclaimed in exasperation. "so now, she's hiring another person to cater, isn't paying me for my hard work, and i'm stuck with 30 dishes of Italian food." she said. Sergio shot up and made his way to her kitchen.

"have no fear, Senorita!" he said triumphantly. he searched through her drawers for a fork. "Those Lasagnas will be gone before you know it." Marta rolled her eyes.

"He's right." reassured Isco. "I mean, everyone on the team knows you're a great cook, so I'm sure some of them will take a dish or two."

"Ooh! I have an idea!" said Geo, clapping with delight. "how about tomorrow we all get together, and i'll bring Antoine and you guys can bring some friends too and we can all have a nice Italian dinner?" Iker frowned., but then put on a sarcastic, fake smile.

"Um, why-why does Antoine get to come, i Mean, he's over here almost everyday. Don't you evr get tired of him? Can't you just have one dinner with your FRIENDS without him?" Geo was taken aback. the other footballers awkwardly sat, waiting for her response.

"Iker, he's my boyfriend and I don't know why you hate him so much, but im really disappointed in the lack of effort you've made trying to get to know him. He's a great guy," Iker met Ana's eyes with a knowing glance, recalling the time Antoine had tried to make a move on her, "and you've been nothing but rude to him." Iker again plastered on a fake smile.

"ok, well, then i guess I can't wait to 'bond' with him tomorrow then." he said through gritted teeth. Iker and Geovanna stared at each other in awkward silence.

"hey, if Geo's bringing a friend can I bring Fernando?" asked Sergio with a mouthful of food. "We were gonna meet for lunch tomorrow anyways."

"Yes! Everybody bring friends! We need to get rid of as much of this as possible." replied Marta. Everybody said yes in agreement and joined her in the kitchen.

"you know what Iker?" asked Geovanna as he started to get up. he turned to her, waiting for whatever hurtful thing she was about to say to him. "You're jealous. that's why you hate Antoine. You're jealous because you can't hold down a woman and are now a single, lonely, young man who's already been divorced. well, Don't take out your anger on me just because i'm actually happy. It's a really selfish thing to do" she said coldly.

"He's not a good man, Geovanna. He's hitting on other women. I bet he's actually slept with someone in the last few months that you've been dating-" Geovanna reached over and slapped Iker's face, making the other friends stop and stare. she steadied her shaking breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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