Chapter 2

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A few days later the three were once again exploring the caves even though they had been warned they couldn't help their curious nature.

Daru led his siblings into the depths of the cave. He searched carefully before entering each part hoping no creatures would bother them while they traveled.

Naru was excited because she had just been given a really cool bow and she was eager to test it out. She had it in her hand with an arrow loaded ready to be pulled if they encountered anything.

They walked together deeper than they had ever gone into the cave. Until they could feel a draft.

"We've gone too far." Faru says. "We shouldn't press it. Mom is already mad enough that we disobey."

Daru nods slightly. "But there is a breeze coming from here. Mom never has to know if we go just a tad further and investigate."

Faru nods slightly, turning toward his sister. "What do you think?"

Naru gazes down the path ahead. "What if it's a new discovery waiting for us. What if we find something that helps our people? We should go just a bit more."

The three agree. It was that moment they had formed a sibling pact. They didn't know it yet but from this point on anything the three did would always be done together.

They approached the drafty tunnel and looked around. There was an opening ahead that light shone through.

"That explains the draft. This tunnel leads outside." Daru says lowering his weapon slightly.

Faru nods. "We came all the way here. We should check to see where it has led us."

Naru agrees. "If it leads somewhere bad then King Rauru will want to close it up because the cave is so close to home."

Daru tilts his ears slightly to listen up ahead. "That's right. And as the oldest, the first priority is to take care of the village." He takes a soft step forward. "For the safety of our people we need to see what lies beyond this cave."

The three approach the end of the tunnel and peer out. All they see is vast empty plains as far as their eyes could see.

"Nothing." Daru mumbles. "Nothing is out here." They step out of the cave a little bit to investigate.

As they step out they look around. Nothing bad seems to be in the area.

Naru smiled a bit, having seen a flower not far off. "Oh! Look at that!" She rushed over to it to pluck it.

Daru's ears flick slightly as he detects a noise behind them. "What? Ehhh?!?" As he turns an electric arrow wizzes past him.

Faru turns also and together the two are confronted by a Red Mane Lynol. "Naru!" He calls holding up his spear.

Daru turns slightly to see his sister by the corner of his eye. "We need to stay together." He draws his sword quickly and takes a step back.

Naru looks up surprised to see such a beast blocking their path. She quickly draws her bow. "I'm ready!" She calls as she rushed over to them ready to release her arrow.

The three face down the Lynol as it draws its massive sword.

Daru and Faru swing at the Lynol as it swings its massive sword at them. They jump over the side slash landing near their sister.

Naru shoots an arrow into the Lynol's face and it stumbles to one knee for a moment. During their opening they all quickly rush the Lynol.

Faru flips backwards skillfully landing up on a rock. "We're doing great."

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