Chapter 3: The Reunion

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Aziraphale then made a motion to open the flask but then stopped, almost as if his body was fighting it.

"AZIRAPHALE, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! It's Crowley, your best friend. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you were put into this situation, it's all my fault. Please come back, you don't know how it's been without you here. I know you're in there somewhere. I will make it my duty to get you out ok so just hold on tight!" Crowley yells as he steps away from Aziraphale who is slowly walking towards him with the flask.

"Please! I don't want to hurt you, angel! I love you ok! I love you more than anything in this blasted universe and I always will. You've been with me for as long as I can remember, and I want to continue being with you for all of eternity. Please." Crowley is now walking closer to Aziraphale putting his hands out, showing that he means no harm.

Aziraphales expression suddenly changes from that same flat face he's been wearing this whole time to a look of remorse and guilt. "CROWLEY HELP ME, oh I'm so sorry dear, I never wanted this to end up this way. Please find a way to rid me of this spell, I apologize sincerely for this and what you've gone through" Aziraphale says with a new tone to his voice, he talks very delicately almost like he's far away.

"Aziraphale! You really are there," He lets out a sigh of relief but then realizes the threat is still at large. He didn't realize that Aziraphale was still inching closer to him with the flask ready and suddenly a jeering pain slices into his skin. Well, he thought it was his skin, but it turns out that his wings suddenly retracted, protecting him from the one drop of holy water that escaped. Even if it was just one drop it still hurt like hell.

"Ah! Holy Fuck, Shit" Crowley yells as he hops up and down. He manages to kick the bottle far away as he jumps farther away from Aziraphale.

"Please snap out of it, look what you're doing! I really don't want to hurt you".

Whenever he heard that cry for help from Aziraphale earlier Crowley gained a new sense of hope and confidence that he really could save him, but now Crowley almost had no hope left. As long as the Metatron was in control, Aziraphale wouldn't be able to do anything on his own.

Shit, He knew that Aziraphale was probably so upset with himself for hurting Crowley, but he also knew there was nothing Aziraphale could do about it. It was all up to Crowley alone.

His one wing that suffered the injury now had a searing hole that formed in it but thankfully it hadn't spread any. It still hurt like hell but if this meant getting his angel back, he would risk anything.

"Angel please come back to me. Snap out of it Dammit, I need you!" Crowley risks it and approaches Aziraphale this time who's still trying to process where the holy water has disappeared to.

"Fight it, angel, I know you can," he says as he reaches out his hands and rests them on Aziraphale's shoulders.

Aziraphale then gets taken over again and suddenly possesses significantly more strength as his arms grab hold of Crowley's throat.

Crowley can barely breathe as he lets out straggly noises trying to break free.

"Aziraphale- pl.... ease... stop... this..sssss" As Crowley looks up he can only make out the silhouette of Aziraphale's eyes and can see how much sorrow resides in them. He knows that his angel must be hurting, but Crowley could never hurt him. Never.

Everything is about to fade to black but then suddenly something happens. Crowley starts glowing. A substantial amount as well, almost like an angel.

Crowley knew he was once an angel, but right when he fell every memory he had before that point was stripped from him. He had no idea that it even existed until now. Raphael... that was his name.

How could he forget something so simple? He was one of the most powerful archangels ever created. All of this information entered Crowley's mind as he slowly went closer and closer into the darkness.

It didn't hurt though. He felt bliss surprisingly, all his worries were gone.

Suddenly all that was stripped away from him as he was being shaken repeatedly. His eyes suddenly opened to see his angel. His angel. Aziraphale was weeping more than humanly possible as he held Crowley in his arms.

"C-Crowley, please, please come back to me. I'm so confused... I'm so lost. I'm nothing without you" Aziraphale cries as he holds Crowley tighter. He suddenly sees that Crowley's eyes have opened and gasps audibly. "Crowley, oh Crowley it really is you," he says as Crowley is pulled into a tight embrace.

"A-Angel, you're back," Crowley says as he brushes Aziraphale's face with his palm. "But how? Did the spell break?"

"I'm guessing so, All I remember is seeing you lying there motionless and suddenly I was in control. It was for a good reason at that."

"B-But what about the Metatron? "Isn't he coming back?" Crowley says almost like he's scared which he's never been in his whole life.

"I'll take care of that. Mark my words he will never hurt us again ok, I swear on my life" Aziraphale says as he looks down at Crowley smiling. Both haven't thought to process the position they're in, but they don't mind either. They want to be as close as possible to each other. 

A/N: WOOHOO Aziraphale is back! That didn't take tooo long now. The Ineffable husbands have finally reunited. Hope y'all are enjoying this :) I'll answer any questions you guys have or anything in between!

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