Chapter 4: Raphael

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"Angel, I-I remember. Everything.... I c-can't believe that my memory was wiped. All the memories we made... I'm truly sorry angel, I shouldn't have fallen, we could have been together in that other life..."

"Oh Crowley, there's nothing to apologize for. You're still the same person to me and besides I'd fall for you any day, literally and figuratively. I love you more than humanely possibly Crowley. I sincerely apologize for leaving you before, I could only watch as my body moved on its own. I'm so so sorry, I want to make it all up to you, you didn't deserve any of It" He says as he pulls Crowley closer to him as Aziraphale weeps in his shoulder." He starts mumbling something else, but Crowley can't make it up as Aziraphale keeps on hiccupping and stuttering.

"Angel, you really need to stop apologizing, we can't change the past alright we have the future to look forward to." Crowley moves back making sure he looks straight into Aziraphale's eyes. "We'll do it together ok, for as long as it takes to be at peace with the world. "

As Crowley says this Aziraphale meets Crowley's eyes and takes a leap. Something he should have done a long time ago.

His lips lock onto Crowley's as each and every emotion he's felt through thousands of years is released at once. So many times, Aziraphale has wanted to reach these lips, but they've been so far away, until now. Crowley, shocked for a second, quickly recuperates the kiss and gives just as much energy as Aziraphale. Both of them are now crying, realizing they could have been this for centuries but they both just waited too long. Their lips move in sync, almost as if they could read the others mind and knew exactly what movements to do.

Eventually, they broke apart, finally realizing why humans enjoy this sensation so much. Even if this was all new to this angel and demon, they knew they'd be seeing a lot more of it in the future.

Aziraphale then interlocked his hand with Crowley's and said "Together, until the end of eternity".

Both just stared lovingly into each other's eyes, imagining the future they could have now and all the amazing things they could do. Almost as if on cue though they both sense that another entity has entered the vicinity.

The Metatron and he did not look happy.

Aziraphale immediately stands up, blocking Crowley's injured self from the Metatron's view.

"Oh, there will be no need for that silly angel," The Metatron says as he snaps his fingers and Aziraphale gets launched backwards and Crowley looks back for one second but is quickly summoned forward.

"Now, I see my plan didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped. It seems the effects of my little spell are finally wearing off hmm." He says pondering for a moment.

At that time Crowley bursts out "You will never hurt me or Aziraphale again! Mark my words, I will make it my sole duty to make your life hell if you even consider laying a hand on my angel ever again."

The Metatron takes a moment to consider what Crowley has just said and then starts doing something strange. He laughs, for a long time at that. Crowley still holds his ground and tries to glance back at Aziraphale to see if he's alright.

"Well if you didn't know already, demon, I hold all the power here and there's nothing either of you can do about it."

"I'd pick my words wisely when you're talking to the Supreme Archangel Raphael if I were you" A look of shock takes over the Metatron's face as he realizes how serious this is now.

Raphael, in the olden times, held more power than everyone in heaven, excluding God of course, but right when he got his title stripped the Metatron took his place and has made it his duty to keep it for so long.

"How the tables have turned," Crowley says smirking as he regains control of his body easily. He walks over and helps Aziraphale up.

The Metatron was speechless, if this really was true then that meant his title meant nothing anymore. However, this could all be a ruse as well, a trick.

"The Archangel Raphael was banished thousands of years ago. If he ever were to return again then all the power that he held would still remain nobody's. That is how the banishment worked."

"Well, it seems heaven made a whoopsie daisy because then how would I do this" Crowley says as he snaps his fingers and the Metatron is suddenly tied up completely, losing all access to his powers.

"You will not get away with this! God will surely punish you for disobeying orders MANY times now. They will surely now remove both of your names from the Book of Life. You will be nothing."

Both Aziraphale and Crowley pondered this thought. They hadn't realized God might really be upset with them over this, they both were still loyal to them even after this whole fiasco. Everyone was loyal to God even if they had a weird way of dealing with things at times.

"If that is the outcome then so be it, As long as my angel is here with me till the end that's all that matters," he says glancing over at Aziraphale and giving him a little smirk.

Aziraphale had been pretty silent the whole time, watching as the events unfurled. He didn't believe Crowley really would do all of this just for him. God how he loved that Demon. But would God really be upset with him? Crowley and him really have been breaking rules for a long time now, how severe would their punishment be?

A/N: Yess finally the reveal. I've seen loads of theories about Crowley really being Raphael and I just had to include it. Now onto the next part!

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