Chapter 2

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"Monsieur, can you make it to the service tomorrow? I don't know if anyone but my husband and son will be there. Mama was an abrasive woman..."

"Madame, I've traveled very far, and I must return," he replied to the woman.

"Alright," she said quietly, "Thank you again... I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name."

"Monsieur Claudine," he lied, not wishing to reveal his identity. 

"It's a pleasure, Monsieur. I'm Arabella Dubois." Her eyes became glossy, "Since you've come in place of your mother, I assume that she's also deceased?"

"Yes," he replied quietly. "I must be going, Madame Dubois."

"Monsieur, would you mind terribly sitting with me for a few minutes? No one else has come to mourn, and I've been sitting up with her for hours. I'm sorry... I just..."

He hesitated. He was surprised that someone wished for his presence. However, knowing that this woman was his younger sister, his heart couldn't leave her alone.

He hobbled toward a chair next to her and gently sat down. The woman reached over and touched his arm. She whispered, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Your mother was a good woman."

"Monsieur, you don't have to lie. She was no such thing."

"You mean she abused you?" Too... He only thought the last part.

"Mostly verbally, but my big brother..." Arabella let out a sob, "I always wanted a sibling. One day she told me I had one: a brother that ran away and died. I'm sure he ran away because of her abuses. What I would've given to meet him... To have someone else in the world."

The Phantom felt tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Monsieur. I shouldn't have..."

"No, it's quite fine. I knew your brother. I'm sure he would've wanted to meet you too. We knew each other in childhood." He continued to lie, fearing that this beautiful illusion she had of her brother would be destroyed when she met a deformed and disabled man.

"Was he a nice boy?" Arabella asked, tears glistening in her eyes.

"He was a troubled boy, but he had a good heart. All he ever sought was your mother's love and affection."

"I'm sure he never got it... That's why he ran away."

His emotions were overwhelming him. Maybe, she did understand him. It was too late though. He had made up his mind that he wouldn't trouble her with knowing his identity.

"Madame, I must go now. Please accept my condolences."

Arabella nodded.

As he stood shakily, Arabella spoke nervously, "Monsieur, I hope it's not too personal of a question..."

He held his breath: the mask

"Your cane is exquisite... The carvings... Where could one get such an item?"

"I have a dear friend in Persia that had it made for me when he heard of my condition."

"Oh," Arabella sighed, "We couldn't afford that."

He paused, "For who?"

"My son... He was born with leg problems, and he struggles to walk. Of course, he has a cane and a wheelchair, but I thought if I could get him something so beautiful that he would like that maybe he would feel better about himself."

The stroke had made him soft. Normally, he wouldn't have cared about this woman's life, but now, he found himself worrying about this boy... His nephew... and this woman... His sister. Finally, he spoke, "How old is the boy?"

"He turns seven in a few days."

"What does he like?"

"Animals, music..."

"Music?" the Phantom breathed. 

"Oh yes. He loves it. His father and I are not musically inclined in the slightest, but the boy is talented. We just don't have the funds to pay for a music tutor."

The Phantom held his weight up with his cane. He was overwhelmed and needed to leave. However, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the money with which he intended to buy the house. 

"Madame, give the boy music lessons with this. Please, I insist."

Arabella nearly fell over, "But, Monsieur... I barely know you. I can't accept..."

"You can, and you will. It is well worth it for a young boy to fall in love with music."

"Erik will be thrilled," Arabella let out a sob as she threw her arms around the tall, masked man. 

The Phantom's body stiffened, and his lip quivered, "Erik?" he whispered.

Arabella broke away, "Yes... Well, you knew my brother. I never got the chance, and it was something I had always wished for... When I had a baby boy, it seemed fitting to give him my brother's name. I don't know. Maybe, it's silly, but by giving him that name, it was a promise to him and to myself that I would be a better mother than my own."

"It's not silly. It's quite beautiful."

The Phantom took a deep breath and did something he had never done before; he stepped forward and hugged his sister. 

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