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Age: 15
Hank PoV
I had just got a call that Jay had just been expelled from school for a fight and that the parents were threatening to press charges. He had broken the kid's nose, arm and given him a concussion. I was beyond furious. Jay has always had trouble controlling his anger but he's never hurt someone this bad. Me, Erin and Justin were talking when Jay walked in.

Hank: what the hell do you think you're playing at?
Justin: you've seriously hurt that kid. They are threatening to press charges. You could be facing juvie.
Jay: let them press charges I don't care
Hank: you've been expelled from school. This is the last school that would take you. It's gonna be difficult to get you into a new school. Are you proud of yourself?
Jay: No but
Hank: but nothing. What the hell is wrong with you?
Jay: just let me
Hank: No I don't want to hear it. Your teachers have already told me what happened. Get out of my sight. Go to your room and don't come down till i say.
Jay: this is fucking bullshit. You can't even tell me what to do your not my dad
Hank: you're on very thin ice young man. Watch your mouth
Jay: you never hear what I have to say. I fucking hate this family and I hate you. I wish you died and not my dad. He would have believed me. He would have listened to me. He wouldn't doubt me. Maybe you should send me back to foster care. I'd rather be there than with a prick like you.
Hank: upstairs now
He stormed to his room slamming the door behind him.
Justin: what are you gonna do dad?
Hank: I don't know he's getting worse
Kelly walked in
Kelly: what's up?
Hank: Jay. Jays what's up

Jay pov
Why does no one ever want to hear what I have to say? Why is everything always my fault? I was so mad. I was trying to calm down but I couldn't. I started tearing my room apart. I started punching the walls. I punched the mirror so it shattered into pieces. My hand was all bloody but I didn't care. I tore all the posters off my wall. I was so blinded by rage I didn't hear anyone come in. I felt arms wrap around me.
Jay: get off me. Get the fuck off me
Kelly: not until you calm down
Jay: get off me
Kelly: calm down then I will
Jay: I I can't
Kelly: yes you can. Slow down your breathing. Follow my timing.
I tried to match my breathing. After a while I managed to do it.
Kelly: there we go. Keep going
My breathing slowed down but I was still shaking with anger.
Kelly: right let's get out of here

I followed Kelly to the car and we was just driving around.
Kelly: what's going on Jay?
Jay: nothing
Kelly: talk to me Jay?
Jay: what's the point? no one wants to hear what I have to say so why would you?
Kelly: tell me what's going on and I might be able to help you
Jay: I don't want to talk about it
Kelly: I'm here whenever you want to talk
We sat in silence and Kelly kept on driving. Maybe if I tell him he might be able to speak to Hank. But then he might not believe me.
Jay: kelly?
Kelly: what's up trouble
Jay: Hank is pissed at me
Kelly: why what happened?
Jay: I got kicked out of school
Kelly: what did you do?
Jay: I got into a fight and broke a kids nose and arm and gave him a concussion
Kelly: why did you fight?
Jay: ever since I've joined that school this kid has been targeting me and saying things.
Kelly: like what?
Jay: about my parents dying, about me being adopted, Will, Harry. The list goes on.
Kelly: what happened today?
Jay: Today we were making a family tree and I drew halos over my parents and Harry's head. He came over and took it and showed the whole class. He then pointed at their picture and said 'I bet they killed themselves to get away from you. You're a family of freaks. Your own dad didn't want you so he battered you then your mom killed him'. I just lost it. The teacher didn't do anything. You can even ask Diego. He was there.
Kelly: I'm sorry kid. What did Diego do?
Jay: nothing he just stood there. He always just stands there. Now he's dead to me.
Kelly: you don't mean that
Jay: I do
Kelly: you wanna get food?
Jay: sure

We got food then went back home.
Jay: where's hank?
Will: he went out with Erin they got called in. Justin's in his room
Jay: oh okay
Will: Diego's here if you wanna chill with him
Jay: why would I want to do that?
Will: he's your best friend?
Jay: not anymore
Will: what happened?
Jay: nothing
Will: Jay
Jay: for fuck sake leave it will
Will: Jay
Jay: Fuck you
I went up to my room when I saw Diego
Diego: Jay I'm sorry
Jay: Fuck off
Diego: Jay please
Jay: leave me alone. I swear to god
Diego: what is your problem?
Jay: what is my problem? What's yours? You were like my brother and you just watched Dylan say all those things. Your just a little bitch
Diego: you wanna say that again?
Jay: what you gonna do huh?
Diego pushed me so I pushed him back

Kelly pov
Kelly: damn it will you don't know when to give it a rest do you
Will: what
Kelly: you should know to not push him to talk. It's just gonna make him kick off.
All of a sudden we heard shouting from upstairs.
Will: you may want to go upstairs. It's getting heated.

I ran upstairs and Jay pushed Diego.
Kelly: what the hell is your problem?
Jay: why can't anyone just leave me the fuck alone.
Kelly: Will take Diego downstairs
Will helped Diego up and left.
Kelly: Talk to me Jay
Jay: I'm going to the gym
I left him to it. Hopefully it will calm him down.

Jay PoV
I went to the gym and started lifting weights. I put on the plates which all together weighed 360 lbs. I did 3 sets of 5 reps. I felt calmer. I walked out and Kelly was waiting for me. we drove home.
Kelly: Hank wants to speak to you.
Jay: well I don't want to speak to him
Kelly: you have to tell them
Jay: I don't have to tell them shit. He's the one who didn't give me a chance to explain before so what makes you think he'll listen again.
We got home and walked through the door.
Jay: I'm going to bed
I walked and Hank was sat on the couch.
Hank: Jay
Jay: fuck off
I went to my room, had a shower and got into bed. I was just laying in bed listening to music whilst playing my PlayStation. After about half an hour Hank walked in.
Hank: can we talk?
Jay: why?
Hank: Kelly said I should let you explain
Jay: Kelly said. Are you fucking kidding me? Your only here because Kelly said you should hear me out. Since when do you not trust me? Trust that I was the telling the truth.
Hank: I know I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not listening to you. I should've heard what you had to say. I was just pissed that you got expelled. That was the last school that would take you.
Jay: I know. I tried to keep calm but I couldn't. I'm sorry. I don't hate you. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it when I said it should've been you. I was just so mad that I just said. I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me by not listening to me
Hank: I know kiddo. I know. talk to me. Tell me what happened today
Jay: ever since I've joined that school this kid has been targeting me and saying things.
Hank: bullying you?
Jay: kind of but I didn't really care. It pissed me off but I knew it was because I was better at things then him. I kept getting picked over him for basketball and soccer
Hank: what does he say?
Jay: about my parents dying, about me being adopted, Will, Harry. The list goes on.
Hank: what made you snap today?
Today we were making a family tree and I drew halos over my parents and Harry's head. He came over and took it and showed the whole class. He then pointed at their picture and said 'I bet they killed themselves to get away from you. You're a family of freaks. Your own dad didn't want you so he battered you then your mom killed him'. I just lost it.
Hank: have you told anyone?
Jay: I didn't need to. They hear and see it. They don't do anything because his parents are the school investors. He gets away with everything
Hank: what happened with Diego?
Jay: he doesnt defend me. I am always there for him. No one goes near him because of me. he's dead to me.
Hank: what happened earlier?
Jay: I kept telling him to leave me alone and he just kept pushing and pushing. I called him a little bitch. He pushed me so I pushed him back. I forget how strong I am so what was a little push sent him flying into the wall.
Hank: I'm sorry for not listening
Jay: it's whatever
Hank: we're gonna have a meeting with the school and have them punish the kid
Jay: there's no point and it will only make things worse. I don't want to go back anyways. I would rather go to the bad kids school
Hank: is there something you should say to me?
Jay: I'm sorry for everything I said. I like it here and I'm grateful for you taking me in. I was just really angry. I didn't mean it.
I gave him a hug and went to bed

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