ED Part 3

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Hailey pov
A couple hours passed and Daniel walked in.
Daniel: I'm sorry to hold you guys up
Hailey: don't worry about it
Daniel: Jay I hear you've been struggling
Jay: I'm fine they're just being dramatic
Daniel: Jay you know how this works. You talk then I talk then we find a solution. What's been going on?
Jay: I have a problem
Daniel: okay. Can you tell me a bit more?
Jay: dads in my head again
Daniel: eating?
Jay: mhm
Daniel: did anything happen to trigger this?
Jay: I had a letter saying he wanted to see me. I guess it brought it all back. Things just spiralled out of control. I don't want to go back to how I was last year. I want to get better. I need to get better. I don't want everyone to worry about me anymore.
Daniel: that's good work Jay. You've come a long way. You recognise that something needs to change. Last year you would've waited until you got worse and had no choice.
Jay: I wanna go home
Daniel: not just yet Jay
He just zoned out

Flashback - 1 year ago
It's been about a year I've been struggling with my eating. It got worse when pat was released from prison. He kidnapped me and starved and abused me. Everything he did when i was younger he did again. Telling me I was worthless, I was ugly and fat. He would put loads of food on my plate and punish me if I didn't eat it all even though he knew it was too much for me.
I've managed to hide but i think people are starting to notice particularly Will and Hank. I've been having less energy and I'm more pale than usual. I was at the district and a positive id was made with a location. We rolled out to the location and the suspect started running. Me and Adam chased after him but I started feeling all dizzy. Adam arrested him and I was just tryna make everything stop spinning.
Hank: Jay you okay?
Jay: f-fine
Hank: kiddo you're very pale
Jay: I don't feel too good
Everything was spinning even faster before it all went black.

I woke up and I was connected to all these wires and machines. I started panicking but someone held my hand
Hank: Jay it's okay. You're okay
I looked at him and he looked disappointed
Jay: I'm sorry
Hank: what are you sorry for Jay?
Jay: you're disappointed
Hank: I'm not disappointed. I'm worried
Jay: what happened?
Hank: you fainted because you're malnourished. I thought you were getting better
I looked at the floor fiddling with my fingers
Hank: talk to me kiddo
Jay: it got worse when pat kidnapped me. I thought I could handle it. It just got out of hand so quickly. I'm sorry
Hank: why didn't you come to me?
Jay: I didn't want to worry you. I cause you enough problems.
Hank: you can talk to me about anything. I'm here for you Jay. I've been here for you
Jay: what happens now?
Hank: your weight is dangerously low so you'll need a tube
Jay: pops I'll start eating properly I promise. Please
Hank: it's only for a couple months. Just until we get you eating properly
Jay: pops please I'll look like a freak
Hank: no you won't. You need it to make you better. I don't think you understand how serious this is Jay. Your body is so weak and it's close to giving up. Please Jay
Jay: No

Will pov
I walked in and Hank and Jay were arguing.
Hank: do you not care about yourself?! You're hurting yourself! You're hurting your family
Jay: you don't care! You never did! You just took me on as some project! Straighten out the kid abused by his dad. You only took us in because you felt bad! We mean nothing to you!
Hank: Jay
Jay: fuck off and leave me alone
Hank looked over at me
Hank: talk some sense into him before he kills himself
Hank walked out slamming the door.
Jay: Fuck!
Will: that wasn't fair
Jay: if you're here to have a go you can fuck off to.
Will: Jay can't you see you're slowly killing yourself. Is that want you want? Is that why you're doing this?
Jay: no of course not.
Will: Then why bite dad's head off?
Jay: I'm mad at myself. I'm mad at pat. I'm mad at everything. I shouldn't have let it get this bad.
Will: you're gonna be here for at least a week. It's bad Jay
Jay: I know.
Will: and it will be even longer if you don't have this tube. Deep down you know that so why you fighting it?
Jay: because I've let myself down and I've let everyone else down
Will: you haven't let anyone down okay. We're all just worried about you. We want you to get better Jay so please. You're my little brother and if I could take all your pain away I would. I hate that dad hurt you and is still hurting you. I wish you could see how amazing you are. I wish you could see what we can see
Jay: what a fat and ugly freak
Will: a handsome and talented guy who we love more than anything. A guy we hope can learn to love himself as much as we love you. Please Jay we want you to get better
Jay: okay
Will: you'll take the tube?
He just nodded and looked down at the floor with tears in his eyes
I sat beside him and pulled him in for a hug
Will: I'm so proud of you. I'm gonna go and get Connor okay?
He just nodded. I went and got Connor and I could hear the monitors going in jays room. We ran in and he was having a seizure. After a couple minutes it stopped but he flatlined. They resuscitated him and brought him back.
Connor: his body is giving up
Will: what now?
Connor: we can place him in a induced coma just until he regains strength
Will: is this the best for him?
Connor: in my opinion yes. This way we can give him the vitamins and nutrients he needs. Hopefully we can get him to gain some weight by giving him the things he needs.
Will: do it
Connor: you sure?
Will: yeah he needs this.

A few weeks later
Jay was getting better. He was putting on a little weight. It wasn't much but it was better than before. They've been feeding him through a tube as well as vitamins and nutrients through an IV. Connor came in to bring him around.
Connor: it's will take about an hour for him to come around
Will: thanks Connor
Dad walked in
Dad: will
Will: hi dad
Dad: Justin and Erin will be here after shift. How is he?
Will: Connor's lightened the sedation so Jay should be coming round within the hour
Dad: that's good. He's gonna struggle when he wakes up
Will: I know. He's probably gonna hate us but we'll handle it

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