It's not fair

195 10 5

Jay 7
Will 25

Will: Jay come on buddy
Jay: I don't wanna go to school today will. Can I stay with you?
Will: I've got work kiddo
Jay: I'll come with you. I'll be good I promise
Will: I'm sorry buddy you can't not today. What do you want for breakfast?
Jay: not hungry
I went upstairs and got dressed for school. I went downstairs and will helped me with my trainers.
Will: you can play for 10 minutes then we have to go
Jay: can we just go now?
Will: you'll be really early
Jay: that's fine.

Will pov
We got in the car and made our way to the school. Throughout the journey Jay was really quiet
Will: Jay you okay buddy?
Jay: mhm
Will: what's up Jay?
Jay: nothing
We arrived at school and Jay got out and just walked to his class. I walked up to his teacher.
Will: Miss Gallagher
Miss Gallagher: everything okay?
Will: It's about Jay. He's a bit off this morning and I'm not sure why. Would it be possible if he could speak to Rachel today?
I know he hasn't seen her for a while it's just that I'm worried about him.
Miss Gallagher: that will be no problem. I'll send her a message
Will: thank you. Any problems please call me
Miss Gallagher: I'll keep an eye on him
Will: thank you
I left and went to work. After about an hour I needed a break so I went over to Maggie
Will: Maggie
Maggie: You okay?
Will: is it okay if I take a break? I just need like 10 minutes
Maggie: is everything okay?
Will: I'm just overwhelmed
Maggie: you need me to get Connor?
Will: no I'll be okay. I just need space to sort out my head

Jay pov
I was in class and I was sat with my head on my arms on the table. I felt Miss Gallagher kneel down next to me.
Miss Gallagher: Jay you wanna come speak to me outside?
I just shook my head
Miss Gallagher: Jay come on bud
Jay: leave me alone
She got up and walked around the class. After a while I got up and walked out.
Miss Gallagher: Jay honey you can't just leave the class
Jay: go away
I walked off and sat on a bench outside but it was at the back of the school so no one could find me. The bell rang for 2nd lesson and I just stayed here. I got bored and went to the calm room. It had beanbags, lava lamps, Lego, fidget toys and other things. I grabbed a Lego set and sat on the beanbag. I was on my second Lego set when someone walked in
??: everyone's been looking for you
I looked up and it was Rachel
Jay: I didn't want to be found
Rachel: what's going on? Will wanted me to speak to you
Jay: I'm fine
Rachel: Jay come on you know how this works. How long have I been working with you?
Jay: since mom died
Rachel: what's going on Jay?
Jay: nothing
Rachel: I'm gonna keep asking
Jay: okay

Rachel pov
I've been working with Jay since he was about 5. Throughout this time he's experienced things that no one should be put through. He's seen more things from the age of 4 than most people would see in their lifetime. Today Jay is really shut off which isn't a good thing.
Rachel: Jay come on please
Jay: no just leave me alone
I could see he was getting wound up.
Rachel: why don't we go for a walk okay?
He shook his head
Rachel: what about the climbing frame?
He shook his head again
Rachel: I've got that new Lego set in my office. You wanna have a go?
He nodded. He picked up the beanbag
Rachel: You wanna bring this?
He nodded. We walked to my office and he threw the beanbag on the floor. He got the Lego out and started building it.
Rachel: Jay you can talk to me what's going on?
Jay: I miss mom and dad
Rachel: has anything happened to bring these feeling up?
Jay: Family day. Everyone else will have there family there and I'll be on my own. It's not fair. Everyone has a family and I don't.
Rachel: so this is why you have been off this morning?
He nodded
Rachel: aww Jay
He just started crying
Jay: I want them to come back. It's not fair. I want my mom and dad
I gave him a hug and after a while he started to calm down. He began to fall asleep so I laid him on the beanbag.

I dialled Wills number
Will: hello?
Rachel: hi will it's Rachel from Fairfield Elementary. I'm calling about Jay
Will: yes did you speak to him?
Rachel: I did and it seems that today is family day
Will: what's that?
Rachel: well the kids in 2nd grade invite their family members and they get to spend the afternoon showing off their work and playing games. An invitation was sent home with Jay last month
Will: that's why he didn't want to come in today. Jay didn't give me it
Rachel: yep. He's really missing his mom and dad today
Will: what time is this family day?
Rachel: 1pm
Will: okay thanks. How is he now?
Rachel: we had a bit of a breakdown but he has now fallen asleep
Will: is he in class?
Rachel: he fell asleep in my office. I'll keep him in my office for today
Will: thank you for talking to him
Rachel: no worries. We were due a catch up anyways

Will pov
The call ended. Shit. I should've known. I went out to Maggie.
Maggie: you okay?
Will: can me and Connor take a break at 1? It's important
Maggie: this about Jay?
Will: He has family day at school and all the other kids are gonna have there parents there. I need to be there for him Maggie. I need to show him that he has a family
Maggie: keep your pager on you
Will: thank you you're the best
I ran to Connor
Connor: hey what's up?
Will: we need to go to Jays school. He needs us
Connor: is he okay?
Will: he has family day at school
Connor: oh
Will: I'm gonna call kelly, Matt, Hank, al, shay, Dawson and Erin
I called them and they all said that they'll be there
Connor: Jays gonna be so happy
Will: he deserves this. It's been a tough few years for him. He shouldn't miss out.
Connor: everyone's gonna meet us there?
Will: yeah. Jays with the school therapist so I thought that we could surprise him
Connor: that will be nice
A couple hours later me and Connor left and made our way to jays school

Jay pov
I was still in the office with Rachel.
Rachel: you wanna go back to your class?
Jay: there's no point
Rachel: let's just see what activities they have there
Jay: fine
I got up and we walked to my class. I walked in with my head down and just sat in the book corner.
??: wow this is Jays work?
I looked up and Will was at my table. I ran over and gave him a hug
Jay: Will you're here
Will: of course I'm here
We went outside to the main area where the food was
Will: there's some people who wanted to be here for you for family day
Jay: who?
Kelly, Matt, Hank, al, shay, Dawson, Erin and Connor walked out from behind the food stands.
Will: family isn't just blood. All these people here are your family. I know mom and dad aren't here anymore but these people would do anything for you
Miss Gallagher came over
Miss Gallagher: who have you brought with you today Jay?
Jay: this is my family

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