1: Rumors

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'Sofia, which prince would you date? And what is your type?'

Amber: Ooh, this is gonna be good!

James: Who would you date, Sofia?

Sofia: I- Um... I don't know. I've never thought about it, since it's not really my priority...

James: I see.

Sofia: *nods*

James: *taps his chin* Well, what about Zhandar? I've heard rumors about him liking you!

Amber: *gasp* Really?

Sofia: *rolls eyes* Oh, c'mon now... Zhandar and I are just friends.

James: But what if the rumors are true? *grins* That would be so cool if he'd become my brother-in-law!

Sofia: *blushes* James, geez! I'm too young...

James: *smirks* Someone's lookin' like a tomato!

Sofia: *rolls eyes*

Amber: I don't know 'bout you, Sofia. But if you ask me, I'll date Hugo!

James: Pff. Suuure.

Sofia: That's good to hear. At least you've made up your mind.

James: Hugo doesn't even like you back, Amber.

Amber: *glares* He does so!

James: Does NOT.

Amber: He does.

James: I heard he likes Sofia too.

Amber: *jaw drop* That's not true!

James: *shrugs and grins*

Amber: *folds her arms and pouts* Sofia, tell James it's not true!

Sofia: Uh, it's not true?

Amber: Hmph!

James: *sticks out his tongue to Amber*

Amber: *glares*

Sofia: Okay, that's enough...

Sofia: I think, my type is the one who is smart, loyal, independent, kind and of course, a gentleman.

Amber: *grins* Hugo is like that right?

James: Yep. Except take off "kind".

Amber: *glares* Can you stop-

James: *sticks his fingers in his ears* Nyenyenyenye! Can't hear you!

*Background noise of James and Amber fighting*

Sofia: *sighs* Well, thanks for asking!

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