Chapter 18

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Apollo stands above Bee, a greedy and ugly smile on his face as he stares between her and Alenna both down for the count. His hands are covered in Alenna's blood, the heat from his body dying down, no sympathy for what he's done to his kid or Alenna in sight. His eyes then scan back to Bee's barely recognizable body, his punishments sure to stick this time.

He watches his daughter, groaning as she lays on the ground motionless. The only thing visible, the only things that seemed to survive his rage, are her eyes, her hazel eyes on him with pain. Good, she deserved what she got, stealing his girl, defying his orders to stay away from her. Who does she think she is, disobeying her own father.

His smile grows wider, thinking about what he just put them through. Making Alenna listen to his disgusting dislike of Bee, making her scared more than she claimed she once was. If she wants to be scared of him, he sure as hell would make it happen, and he did. Hitting her so bad that if she ever wakes up, she'd think twice about crossing him ever again. Beating her worse than he has ever done before. It was the best feeling, her bones breaking beneath his fists and feet.

Now when it came to Bee, that was icing on the cake. Breaking her arm, making her watch as he beat the girl she may now love to a pulp. Taking things further for her smart mouth. He'd made her pay for her wrong doing, squeezed her neck with his slightly held back godly strength that she could barely talk when he was done. How she screamed in pain when he dropped her onto the ground so hard that the crack of her leg breaking was like music to his ears.

His smile widens more from the thought of his revenge, thinking about the best part. The disgusting smell coming to his nose from his daughter's flesh, but it's such a great thing for him to see that he doesn't care. He used his sun powers to deep fry her so bad that no one will even know who she is. Hearing her agonized screams of pleading and pain was the best thing to witness. He only stopped because in his hope she'd stay this way, burned so bad that no one would ever love her again. Or maybe to his best interest, she'd suffer and die from her injuries. Not from his own hands.

He closes his eyes, hearing Bee's groans, knowing that she's trying to ask for help but can't because of how badly her lips are burned together. Oh gods, it sounded wonderful, finally shutting her up.

"Well, Bee, it was fun. But I have to go." he says as he opens his eyes, shifting his gaze to Alenna.

Her groans grow louder, making him laugh as he peels his eyes away from Alenna and back at his kid. He sees her eyes bugging out and she groans again, tears in her eyes. When they spill down her cheeks she screams more, the sounds muffled yet again.

Apollo just smiles and shakes his head as if disapproving of her actions, "I'd say I feel sorry for you, but, I don't. You've done more harm than good for me. So good luck getting out of this mess, kid."

With what sounded like a final note, he turns around and walks back into a lit up area of the clearing. As soon as he does it's like he disappears out of sight, nowhere to be seen.


Will could hear nothing over the pounding of his heart in his ears and the crunching of twigs and leaves beneath his feet as he raced through the trees of the forest that surrounded camp half blood. His bow was slung hasily over his shoulder with his quiver, and he didn't stop to retrieve the arrow or two that fell out in his hurried sprint.

He had been in the archery range when they'd told him. Maxine Bellpot, a Demeter kid, had heard screams coming from the forest. Bee had pulled one of her usual disappearing acts only hours before and it didn't take a genius to see the obvious connection between the two events, even if it wasn't her there was still someone out there that needed his help. So hurriedly he had gathered up a few of his siblings and his boyfriend Nico and took off in the direction Maxine had pointed him in.

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