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[In a huge abandoned warehouse Bucky comes to with his metallic left arm clamped in a huge industrial vice. Steve and Ivanna peer through a gap at a chopper flying overhead. Sam's over by Bucky.]

Sam Wilson: Hey, Cap, Widow! 

"Widow?" asked Harry "I'm the White Widow dipshit, the title of Black Widow only goes to the best of the best in the Red Room" said Ivanna side-eyeing Emerald.

[Steve and Ivanna go over to join Sam by Bucky who sits with his arm in the vice. They stare at him.]

Bucky Barnes: Steve.

Steve Rogers: Which Bucky am I talking to?

Bucky Barnes: Your mom's name was Sarah...You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.

"pretty name" hummed Luna.

Steve Rogers: Can't read that in a museum.

[Bucky turns to Ivanna.]

Bucky Barnes: You were taken by Dreykov in your home in 1987 in St. Petersburg, he killed your parents and trained you as Black Widow, second best in your class only over taken by Emerald.

"You're the Black Widow?" asked Harry shocked. Emerald looked at him and nodded.

Ivanna Petrovna-Barnes: Can't read that on my file.

Sam Wilson: Just like that, we're suppose to be cool?

"Yes" said Ivanna crossing her arms "sorry Widow, this is the future remember?" said Sam.

Bucky Barnes: What did I do?

Steve Rogers: Enough.

Bucky Barnes: Oh, God, I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words.

Steve Rogers: Who was he?

Bucky Barnes: I don't know.

Steve Rogers: People are dead. The bombing, the setup. The doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than "I don't know."

Bucky Barnes: He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where.

Steve Rogers: Why would he need to know that?

Bucky Barnes: Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier.

"WHAT?!" Tony yelled shocked, he looked at Steve, who was as shocked as he was "there's more?" asked Emerald.

[1991, at night Bucky rides alongside the car and somehow causes the car to crash. He circles back, pulls up and climbs off the motorbike. he's filmed on CCTV as he approaches the car's trunk. He janks it open, breaking the lock. Inside he opens a metal case which contains five clear drip bags filled with bright blue fluid.]

[Four young men and a young woman sit up in hospital beds. The blue fluid is fed intravenously into their arms. The drip bags hang on stands beside them. They're all fit and muscular. One man, Josef, flexes a huge biceps. Josef is screaming, dragged into a cell and left on a bed.]

Josef / Super Soldier #1: It hurts! 

[He struggles in leather bindings. A viewing slot is closed.]

[Karpov is sitting at a desk in a corridor, making notes and listening. Karpov opens the door to a lab and switches on the light. Josef is sitting on a bed. He looks up at Karpov.]

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