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Joel opened the door to the shed that was right next to the house, Sonny following him and turning on the dim lights, which didn't really help much. A large object was in the middle of the room, covered by a dirty white tarp, the woman walking over to the work bench as Joel removed it. A blue and white pick-up sat there, which caused Joel to lift its hood, looking inside for a moment, his eyes landing on a place where the battery was supposed to be, only to find nothing there. He slammed the hood down in frustration, placing his hands over it as Sonny walked to the refrigerator -- which was actually used as storage. On top, was a car battery, causing her to reach up and grab it, easily seeing that it needed some work, which was easy to do if she had all of the parts. She paused for a moment, opening the refrigerator door as she held the battery with one hand, a smile forming on her lips when she saw everything she needed.

The two of them walked back inside the house, Ellie still sitting at the table, fiddling with her thumbs as she looked up at them,

"Show me your arm" Joel instructed

Ellie stood from her chair, lifting the sleeves of her jacket and hoodie, showing her arm. The wound was more scabbed, showing signs of the infection beginning to spread, but stopping completely.

"Sonny just finished making a truck battery" he informed "it's charging right now"

"Okay" Ellie replied with a nod

"I have a brother out in Wyoming" he added "he's in some kind of trouble and I'm heading out there to find him. He used to be a Firefly. And my guess is he knows where some of them are out there. Maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is"

"All right" giving him another nod "uh, listen, about Tess, uh --"

She stopped speaking when Joel held up a hand.

"If we're taking you with us, there's some rules you gotta follow" he said "rule one, you don't bring up Tess. Ever. Matter of fact, we can just keep our histories to ourselves. Rule two, you don't tell anyone about your . . condition"

"Why?" She asked

"If people see that bite mark, they won't think twice" Sonny answered

"Rule three, you do what we say, when we say it" Joel added "we clear?"

"Yes" Ellie answered

"Repeat it" looking at her

". . What you say, goes" she repeated

"Okay" he sighed lowly

"So, what now?" She asked

"We stock up" Sonny answered

Sonny walked out of the dining area, making her way to the basement and opening it's door. It was somewhat of a typical man-cave -- a sofa that was well used, coffee table, rug and another TV, a few decorations, and a small shelf that blended in well with the room. But everything had been super glued on so it couldn't move, especially when Sonny tipped it over, bringing the door to the bunker with it. Chains of Love by Erasure played on the radio, the lights flickering on as she walked down the bunker's steps. Weapons were mounted on the wall, guns in various sizes, ammunition next to it, and cleaning kits next to that. Several tool boxes were also in the room, and six working monitors that showed everything that would happen outside of the house.

"Ho-ly shit" Ellie commented as she looked around "this guy was a genius" as Sonny turned off the music "why was the music on?"

"If he didn't reset the countdown every few weeks, this playlist would run over the radio" she informed

"Eighties" looking at the monitor

"Go grab some cans from over there" Joel instructed, pointing to the sorted area of canned foods "nothing dented or swollen"

". . Dude" her eyes landing on the guns

"No" Sonny replied, looking around

"There's a wall of them" she tried to reason

Joel and Sonny looked at her, which caused her to drop her hand from the gun she wanted to hold, giving them a small nod as she made her way toward the cans. Sonny's eyes landed on a table, where a black recurve now sat on a stand, a few dozen arrows laying on another table next to it, with a quiver hanging from a hook. It was finished, Bill must have been waiting for it to dry before he would wrap it up to present it to Sonny when she returned. She walked over to it, picking up the bow to get a good feel of it, her fingers running over the top, where the word Reaper was carved in, along with a small scythe. A smile formed on her lips, pulling the bowstring back, feeling it for a moment before releasing it, a sharp whip filling the air.


Sonny walked down the stairs of the house, freshly showered, her hair and skin now clean from any dirt and grime over the last two months. She didn't smell bad at all, bathing in rivers was nothing new to her, she just had to make sure she was alone during those times. Before she had left the last time, Frank insisted that her things should be moved into the big house, stating that she didn't have to be alone.

"Well, don't you look pretty" Ellie teased

"Shut up" Joel grumbled

He was showered as well, his hair slicked back from the water, wearing a green plaid shirt, blue jeans and his boots, his broken watch around his wrist.

"Holy shit" she muttered, seeing Sonny

The tattoos on her arms and chest were more visible now that her skin was cleaned, but there were four others that were hidden by her clothing.

"Are we ready?" Sonny asked

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"Are we ready?" Sonny asked

Joel gave her a small nod, grabbing his backpack as she grabbed her own, the three of them heading outside toward the shed. Ellie seemed amazed as she got into the back seat, looking around like a kid in a candy store,

"It's like a spaceship" she commented

"No, it's like a piece of shit Chevy S10, but it'll get us there" joel replied as he started the car "i think. Seatbelt"

"Hm?" Ellie hummed, looking at him

Sonny was in the passenger seat, repositioning herself to where she was on her knees, reaching to the back and grasping the seatbelt, pulling it over Ellie and clipping it in place. When she sat back down, she clipped her own on, which allowed Joel to pull out of the shed, the three of them leaving the small community, or what was left of it.

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