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A motel outside of the city was the best they could find, which would be completely fine until morning when they would be able to move. Joel sat on the ground, leaning back against the radiator while Henry sat on a nightstand, chewing on a piece of jerky as Ellie read to Sam in the other room. There was a lantern on the nightstand, the door open, which provided enough light for all of them, Sonny finally removing her backpack from her shoulders with a heavy sigh, leaning her gun next to it as a sigh emitted from her.

"You think they'll be okay?" Henry asked

"Yeah, I think." Joel replied "It's easier when you're a kid anyway. You don't have anyone else relying on you. That's the hard part."

"Well, I guess we're doing a good job, then." nodding slightly

". . What's that comic book say?" looking toward the book in Sam's hands "Endure and survive?"

"Endure and survive." confirming his question

"That shit is redundant." Sonny commented

"Yeah, it's -- it's not great." Joel agreed

"No." Henry laughed

". . Look, I don't know how exactly we're getting to Wyoming." he informed "We're probably walking. But . . you know, if you want to."

"Yeah." nodding slightly "Yeah. Um . . Yeah, I think it would be nice for Sam to have a friend. I'll tell him in the morning. New day, new start."

"Sonny, can I talk to you?" pushing himself up "In private?"

"Yeah." she replied, crouching down and opening the flap "They need to hunt, anyway." looking inside "You guys okay? I know it was a little rough in there."

She gently pulled out Finn and Flora, checking to make sure that they were okay, and glad that they were, Sonny holding them as she made her way outside, Joel following her. They jumped from her hands, landing on their paws as they stretched their legs, shaking out their fur as they listened for a moment, breaking out into a run as they heard their prey.

". . Scared the absolute hell outta me." he informed "Not seeing you with them."

"I didn't mean to." honesty in her voice as she removed her mask and hood, taking her hair down "When I saw the Bloater, I just . ." shrugging slightly "Had to kill as many as I could and --"

She was cut off by lips placing themselves over her own, her eyes widening as she looked at Joel's closed eyes, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, his hands on her waist. Her mask fell from her hand, landing at their feet as her eyes fluttered for a moment, closing them as she complied. Everything around them began to fade, even the chirping of the crickets, as it was just them in their moment. Joel gently pulled back from her, opening his eyes and looking at her as she did the same. She knew what came over her as tears formed in her eyes, reaching up and grasping his face in her hands, bringing him back down toward her as she claimed his lips once more, which caused Joel to instantly comply, walking forward and gently pressing her back against the wall. One hand left his face, her arm curling around the back of his neck, her tears falling from her eyes as they continued to kiss.

Their breathing was slightly uneven when they finally pulled back after a few minutes, Sonny keeping her eyes closed as she lowered her head. Joel curled a finger under her chin, bringing her head up and causing her to open her eyes, looking at him as concern formed on his features. He wasn't good with words, but the kiss told her everything he felt, and was glad she felt the same way, but there was hesitation in her eyes,

"What's wrong, darlin'?" He asked

". . I can't." she replied "I want to, but I can't. I don't want to lose you like I lost everyone else."

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