A normal love story, with a twist.

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 I know I'm starting alot of stories but I'm just trying to find one that I can stick with and do alot with so I'm expermanting (: so I hope you like it!


  I woke up to the sound of my alarm and my iPod headphones about to kill me being wraped up around my neck and body. I looked over at my alarm clock and turned it off and grabbed my glasses and put them on and headed into the bathroom, I dont eat breakfast, when I got into the bathroom I was still out of it so I decided to brush my teeth first, then I took off my glasses and put in my contacts.

  About 1 hour later I was finished getting ready my hair was teased and make up was done. What I was wearing today was my favorite band-t it was an Asking Alexandria shirt, and I had on a black and white checkered bow in my hair (one of my biggest and favorite) and I also wore my bright green skinny jeans that matched perfectly with my Asking Alexandria shirt that had so much color in it.

 My phone rang with the song" A Prophecy" by of course Asking Alexandria.

  "Hello?" I asked answering the phone.

   "Hey, um I'm outside come on!" my best friend squeeked through the phone making me feel like I'm going to be deaf, I walked outside to pretty much find her jumping, she was wearing lots of colors she had a tanktop on that looked like paint splaters were on it and she had a kandi cuff on that had Breathe Carolina's symble and Hello Fashantion colors, and she had on knee high black converse shoes and a very brightly colored poofy skirt that I had helped her pick out, her hair is always teased bigger than mine but she was over all very pretty.

   When we got to school we got stares, as usal, but this time they were different, they were sort of like hateful stares. It's the first day of high school we don't know anyone.. how could they hate us yet? I mean we just got here.

  Then everyone moved as we walked and I saw him, he was so hot, his looks were a mix of Andy Six and Danny Worsnop... I had to meet him no matter what happened.

  "Alexa!" Abby shook me out of my day dream. "You ok?" I knew I couldn't tell her about him cause she would want him so I kept it to myself.

  "Yeah sorry, I was just lost in thougth..." I glanced over her sholder to see if he was still standing there, of course he's gone.

 "Well snap out of it we gotta get to class! " she whined and grabbed my hand and started pulling me.

 As she dragged me, I tryed to look at what my first class, I couldnt see it she was pulling me to hard and running too fast. After a few seconds of squirming to get out of her grasp I finaly did and  fell back and she looked back and laughed and kept running. I started to stand up when someone grabbed my arm to help me. I looked up to see the guy that I had seen earlier.

  "Um, are you ok?" his voice chimed and his green eyes sparkled.

  "Y-y-yeah I'm ok." I was still in shock from him just coming out of nowhere.

  "What is you first class?" he glanced down at my paper in my hand that was folded.

I unfolded it and looked at it, Science.. great I though to myself sarcasticly. "Um, its Science. Whats yours?" I hoped he would say Science too.

  " The same." he said with a chuckle and a smile that made me have butterflies, "Ma'am?" he stuck his arm out to for me to hold onto and I grabbed onto it.

  "Thank you, and I didnt catch your name?" he started to walk slowly as if he wanted to spend as much time with me as he could, I hoped.

  "My name is Oliver, but you can call me Oli. And your name?"

"My name is Alexa."

  "Beautiful name, Alexa."

 We walked into class and he took me to the set next to him, it felt as if everything was going to be great untill a little white note dropped on my desk. I opened it up and it said: "Back off of him or something really bad is going to happen to you or to Abby, do I make myself clear enough?"

 I looked around the room to see if anyone was staring at me to show that they put it on my desk but no on was looking at me, but no one was, I knew I couldnt let Abby get hurt I would never forgive myself, then again there's really no one in here thats bigger than me, how could they hurt me? Or Abby? I decided to ignore the note, it was probably from a jealous ex-girlfriend.

Next two periods I didnt have with Abby or Oliver so I was alone and no more notes appeared. After 3rd period it was lunch I walked in to find Abby sitting at a table and Oliver against a wall waiting and when I walked in, he hugged me.

  "Hey! Who do you eat lunch with because my best friend is over there." I said pointing to Abby who waved very energetically.

  "I guess I will eat with you to then." he grabbed my hand and walked over there and Abby had a look on her face as if she was saying, "Holy crap hes hot!"

  After a few minutes of sitting and talking ANOTHER note appeared and it scared me to death it said: "I warned you to stay away now Abby is going to get hurt, and it wont be pretty. I will keep hurting her until you learn your lesson and stay away from Oliver.  I'll see Abby after school."


So I hope you liked it, it took me 2 days to write this cause I kepted getting destracted my music and messages from someone on here...Shannon...

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