Chapter 3

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Sorry that I havent uploaded lately, school has been im gonna write now! Please listen to the song I put over there -----> its my fav and yeahh.


 The foot steps got closer, click, click, click, sound of heals went trough the dead silent hall and rang in my ears with every step, and every step Oliver tenced up even more going in to protect mode.

  "Oliver, who is that?" I wispered to him.

  "It's my old trainer, she wants to kill me and anyone I know or love, you have to hide." he tried to move me to hide but I wouldnt budge.

  "Oliver, I'm not leaving you and letting you get killed... what are we going to do?"

  "Run," that one word made me feel quezzy, I'm not very fast a running. "When I saw run, we run trough these doors and sprint trough the lunch room to the doors on the other side."

 "When do we run?"

 "NOW!" he grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him pushing tables out of our was as if they were made of paper and not metal and wood. I huffted as he dragged me trying to pull me along with him I almost fell 3 times. After the 3rd time he grabbed my other hand and slowed down a little and pulled me onto his back and sprinted full speed out the door and kept running at this speed tell we were off school campus. 

   He put me down and half dropped me and kept walking for a few steps and stopped.

  "So what do we do now? Weres Abby?"

  "Abby's fine, they wouldnt hurt her... they would get in trouble cause they hurt her for no reason, you see the goverment does everything they can thats harmful and doesnt get them in trouble, Abby didnt do anything so she wont get in trouble."

  "So what are we gonna do now?" I walked up to him and layed my head on his back.

  "Starbucks?" he turned around and grabbed my hand and started walking.

  "So we just could have died and your acting like nothing happened?"

 "Alexa, you have to move on you cant dwell on things." he put his hand on the side of my face and leaned in and kissed me. I was falling for this boy fast. He pulled back and played with my hair and we just stared into eachothers eyes for a few seconds then started walking again. But it still bugged me how he just brushed off the alomst dieing part...


   "Carmel frap with extra wip and a shot of expresso." I said to the lady at the counter of Starbucks.

   "And for you sir?" she said unable to keep her eyes off of him which bugged me.

  "Um I'll just have a normal coffee." he smiled at her and she blushed, my body burned with anger and jealousy.

 "Ok your total is $14.50." he handed her the money and we walked over to get our coffee's.

  After we sat down and got our coffee I got a text from Abby that said: "Hey were are you?" it didnt sound like her with saying "are" and "you" and not just "r" and "u" but I replied "At Starbucks..."

  "Like a rush shot trough you, everyone is watching you.." I sang one of my favorite songs by Pierce The Veil called Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides, Oliver joined in and sang. "Told you why I see no reason for the sun."

  "You like Pierce the Veil?" he asked in shock in a way.

  "Hell yeah! They are amazing! Vic is so ho- a great singer."

  "Haha yeah he is great, and you can say it haha. Most girls think he is hot."

 Just then someone walked in, in all black and had what looked to be a gun that had plastic bullets in it like the ones that I had seen in Cops, I bumped Oliver and he looked over and ducked down and made a hand movement to head for the back door and put our hoods on and make a run for it.

As soon as we stood up the man looked at us and saw me and started making his way to us Oliver and I ran for the door as fast as we could and the chase was on, either we ended up dead or he did. And our chance didnt look too good.


So I hope you liked it (: I worked really hard on it haha sorry its kind of short...




Love you all!

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