Chapter 2

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I know I'm uploading this kind of fast, but I left a cliff hanger so I'm gonna write more (:

 "Whats that?" Oliver asked grabbed the note out of my hand I couldnt let him see what they had said.

 I grabbed the note out of his hand before he read it. "It's nothing."

 "Well the expression on your face sure didnt seem like nothing," he held his hand out for me to give him the note, "Come on give it here."

 I hesatated before handing it to him, after thinking about it for a few seconds I handed it over to see if he could help in anyway.

 "Thank you," he said grabbing the note out of my hand and winking at me. His face turned from a smile to shocked then scared, "Do you know who this is from?" he pointed to the note.

 "I have no idea.. but its scares me. What are we going to do?"

"Well first of all not leave Abby alone, and second I'm not going to let this stupid note keep us apart." 

"Aweeeee!" Abby squeeked. "Lemme see the note! Gimme!" she reached as far as she could to get it, "Awh! Pleasseeeee?" she winned like a little girl. I didnt know if I should give it to her or if she would just freak out. I looked at Oliver for help but he seemed to be having the same reaction as me.

 "If I give it to you do you promise not to flip and out and stay calm." I held the note in my hand and she couldnt keep her eyes off of it.

 "Yes, yes blah blah blah, now gimme it!" she reached for it and I took a deep breath and handed it over to her, she opened it as fast as she could and started reading all I could do was put my face in my hand and hope for the best, her reaction was the same as Olivers but more full of fear, "Am I going to be ok?" her expression still full of fear and her eyes watering up.

  "You see Abby, we don't know that's why you need to stay with me or Alexa, for your safty."

  Abby looked at me as if saying "Are you kidding me?"  I had no idea what to say back, but I knew this was going to start something between us but I had no idea what was gonna happen. But just then she stood up and the chair flew back and she ran out of the room.

  "Oliver! Help me catch her! They might get her!!" I got up and sprinted up out the door after her, a few seconds later I heard foot step behind me and I knew it was Oliver I turned around too see if he was there and it was him. We ran out of the lunch room and as soon as we did the double doors closed behind us and the hall way became dark and all the other doors closed, the lights went off one by one getting closer with every flast tell it had become totally dark, and I knew it was because I didnt stay away from Oliver and now 'they' were going to come. Everything had happened so fast I didnt know how to react.

  I glanced into the lunch room to find it empty, as if no one had been in there in the first place and as if it was after school, I glanced over at Oliver who seemed to be much more calmed that me.

 "Oliver! What are we going to do?" I cried.

  "You wont believe me if I tell you," he stared off into space refusing to make eye contact.

 "Yes I will!" I grabbed his face making him look at me.

  "Well you see, I'm not from here like I said," he moved my hands off his face, "I work for the goverment, they trained me to be there secret weapon, but I escaped about 3 months ago I've been on the run ever since, and now they have found me." for some reason I believed him.

  "Oliver, I believe you." I wraped my arms around his neck and he wraped his arms around my waist.

  "Thank you." Just then we heard foot steps comming down the hall, Oliver let go and took my arms off of him and put me behind him just as the door leading to the hall opened.


I hope you injoyed chapter 2! It took me a few days to finish and edit some haha so I hope you liked it!




Love you all!!!!!

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