The fall of

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"I know you will do great things...I'm sorry I never told you this before...."
A young woman tells her song just before passing away...but how did she pass...

Robin yakan was working on a stack of paper work, tired from these many nights of overtime he decided to take up...but this night would be interesting however, as just before they closed the hospital a young woman, no older then 16 is rushed in with her adoptive parents.
"Someone! Please help..she's been in pain all week and we think she's about to go into labor!" The mother of this young woman shouts, the nurses on staff all rush to help, getting her to a room..while Dr. Yakan gets up from his office to help the situation...only to find that his patient is the newest and most popular member of the idol group Timeless, a young woman named Emily, Emily horimiya..

"Alright so from what I am seeing...she's perfectly healthy! And the baby is just fine, only thing I'd recommend is having her take frequent breaks after the birth and to rest up whenever she isn't moving around..."Dr.Yakan says putting down her file..her parents relieved as Emily lays on the hospital bed...soon she'd have a baby, but her parents were more then upset that the father couldn't care to even show his face anymore..but they were none the wiser as to who it was..seeing as Emily's social group was very small..
"Your lucky we were home when it happened...what if we were in a meeting?!" Her mother, Miku shouts..more worried then actually upset..but that was for good reason..this isn't the first time she's fainted...and apparently not the first time without her parents around....that was 6 months ago. Now Emily sits in her apartment nursing the young baby boy she had..naming him Emi Horimiya.. all while her friend ,Sasha-Jung, was helping her care for the young boy..with her own daughter, Min-Jung.

"I still can't believe how big he is..but how are you gonna preform at your next show..we preform together and no one can watch him.." she tells her friend "I normally just have my manager watch her, while in the audience..maybe your manger could do the same?"
"I don't know..Ichigo isn't one to watch kids and my parents want nothing to do with him..seeing as he looks like his father.." she says as the little boy starts to coo..grasping onto her finger she loved her matter what happens.

"Wait! What about Ellie! She is one to love kids!" Sasha says with a booming smile..Ellie, Ichigo's wife was a huge lover of children..and always said she'd help out if Emily had a baby, this could work....

3 weeks go by..and the show was about to begin, Min-Jung and Emi both in the care of she plays with the little munchkins in front of their parents sing their hearts out, the crowd going wild for the up and coming young idols..but everyone took a liking to Emily the most, something about her character made them want to love with her..even more so then what they would suggest...but with the show concluding, everyone asked for the girls numbers, autographs, and even tried to jump over and give them hugs..though security managed to stop most of them, with only one getting by. He went up to Sasha-Jung and gives her a kiss..this was her boyfriend, and father to her child, making Emily a bit jealous..and like the teenager she is..pouts and puffs out her cheeks, earning laughs and photos being taken of this ordeal..
4 years later.....

With Emily finally becoming twenty years old she was able to get her own apartment, a place only her managers knew about..but that didn't stop people from trying to look for her..
"Thats it Emi, the not goes over the little line.." she says in a sing song form as she was helping Emi tie his shoes..even for a young toddler he was smart and managed to take in information very quickly, being able to form full sentences by the time he was three...

"Momma..will I ever seen my friends again.." the young boy asks her..he always grew attached to his friends..Min-Jung and Kana especially..they were like the three musketeers..always getting into trouble and defending eachother..she gives him a reassuring smile and cups his face in her hands
"Yes my handsome little'll see them agai-oh?" She Turns hee head to the the doorbell goes off..strange..she wasn't expecting anyone...especially not any of her managers..

"Kon'nichiwa-*BANG*" the sound of a Loud burst could be heard...Emi's screams seemed to fade out of existence as Emily stumbles back..clutching her stomach as blood starts to run down her dress...the shooter running away as to not be caught...

"MAMA!!! MAMA NO!!" He shouts trying to help her..but Emily stops her son...and whispers something in his ear..before looking him in the face...
"I love you....." before her eyes glaze over...the sound of her sons subs become faded. As she passes into the bright light....leaving her son the ambulance, police..and her managers all make it to the home..taking out a traumatized child..his eyes looking deep into the ground..the bright red stars in his eyes seeming faded to a black variant of their normal white appearance.......

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