The fall of 2

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"MAMA!!! MAMA NO!!" He shouts trying to help her..but Emily stops her son...and whispers something in his ear..before looking him in the face...
"I love you....." before her eyes glaze over...the sound of her sons subs become faded. As she passes into the bright light....leaving her son the ambulance, police..and her managers all make it to the home..taking out a traumatized child..his eyes looking deep into the ground..the bright red stars in his eyes seeming faded to a black variant of their normal white appearance.......

Everyone was trying to ask the boy if he knew anything about what happened...but he was practically staring a hole into the wasn't until Emily's manger and his wife...who Emi came to know as his uncle and aunt..both disbursed the crowd..

"He just lost his mother for Christ sake!" They wasn't easy but they managed to take him back to their apartment...Sa-Jung and Min-Jung both waiting for Emily there..only to find out their friend was dead...Min-Jung hugging her friend as he finally breaks down..begging to see his with her one finale time...causing everyone in the room to finally break down aswell....The Entertainment Industry would never be the same...

3 days..3 days past and everyone would learn about the young idols death..her funeral being private, with only her friends all there..with Emi just sitting in the car..he couldn't understand the whole situation..who would want to kill his mother..and better yet. Who knew she had moved.
"She never told anyone...her manager and friends sure..but they would never do something like this...he shouted something as he shot her..but I wasn't able to make it out......could it it couldn't have." He talks to himself..he had access to all of Emily's older phones..but one in particular was hidden and locked..but there was only one person who could have known..but he needed proof..with his stars as black as the night sky..he vows his revenge on her murderer..
'I will find you...and you will pay for taking her away from me...'...and this started the young's boy life goal..finishing and killing his mothers killer.

16 years later...

"MIN-JUNG COME ON! We're gonna be late to school!" A older..more mature voice calls up to his friend

"IM COMING! Jeez your so pushy." Min-Jung, a young idol who follows her mothers footsteps..Sa-Jung..which so happened to be the woman who took in Emi.
"I'm not pushy. We just need to go-"
"Emi. Shush. I'm coming down!" She shouts skipping down the steps, smiling and putting her shoes on..
He just roles his eyes and begins to walk out

"BYE MOM! Me and Emi are heading to school!!" She shouts before closing the door. This was gonna be a good year for for Emi..he was just trying to get into the industry his mother was find who wanted to kill her..though he did have a talent for acting, but thanks to his life with Sa-Jung, he was made into a idol..nobody esle knew, but he always kept a picture of his mother with his personal ID card case...
"Love you for my first day.." he whispers to the picture..even if it isn't true..he always thought his mother could still here him..even if he knew she wasn't there..

(HELLO! Thank you for reading the start of a very long..very time consuming story..anyway! I wanted to say that I do plan to make more chapters, but because I am in college the chapters will be very spotty, so please bare with me, I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful day!)

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