New friends...?

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"Are those...wolf ears?!"

Emi wasn't expecting anyone to just blurt that out..he never wanted people point out his ears, as that was the only part of his wolf nature that truly shows..he wasn't like most Demi-humans. He couldn't hide his features. But he helps the girls up and just nods his head
"Yea..yea their wolf ears, my mother always told me I took after my father in thy aspect. But I have to go. Perhaps we could get together sometime?" Emi leaves before they could get a word out. Leaving them stunned

"He had stars in his eyes." Ruby, the raven haired girl said with a creeping smile. While her friend, Destini just roles her eyes

"Get a hold of yourself. Clearly he doesn't know who we are. And if he thinks we are just gonna stand and watch him grow famous. He's got another thing coming, he better not be in our class".

SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER EVERYONE! Please understand I've been very busy because of school and now the holidays. Hopefully I'll have a schedule for everyone soon! Have a happy holidays, solstice and all other forms of holiday. May god bless you all!

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