Chapter 5 : Friend

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Charlie's POV:
Me,Elle,Tao and Isaac are having a sleepover at mine and we're playing monopoly Tao is accusing me of cheating In monopoly. You can't cheat in monopoly. I say. Isaac kicks the game over. Me and Isaac then go and get us all some hot chocolate. Do I even want to know I say as I walk in on tao dancing and Elle throwing pillows at him. So I was thinking on inviting nick to my birthday thing on Saturday I really want him to come but I don't want it to be awkward or weird for any of you since you don't really know him. I say. "No it won't be awkward." Said Elle. "I assumed he was coming anyway." Said Isaac. Ok,good . I say.

Nick's POV :
Imogen,about our date see I wasn't sure if- are you okay? I ask. "my dog died last night." Said Imogen. I'm so sorry. I say. "He was really old so like we new it was coming I loved him so much this is the worst week ever." She said.
Yeah. I say. "What were you gonna say about our date." Said Imogen. Nothing. I say. "So should we eat at Nando's for dinner and then we could go to the cinema." She said. Yeah ok. I say.

*in form*
"So it's kind of my birthday on Saturday." Said Charlie. Is it? I say. "Yeah me and my friends are going bowling and I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come but I know you don't really  know them so you don't have to." Said Charlie.
Yes,thanks for barely giving me any time to get you a present. I say. "You don't have to get me a present." Says Charlie. No I am gonna. I say. "I'm serious." Said Charlie. Shhh. I say. We both laugh.

"You alright mate hyped for your date on Saturday." Said Harry. "
Date on Saturday? I say
"Yeah Imogen told me your meeting up on Saturday like shes telling everyone actually." Said Harry. Uh yeah I forgot. I say.

"Had a good day Nicky,oh what's up?" Said Sarah. I said I'd go on a date with this girl but I kinda also agreed to go to Charlie's birthday party on the same day. I say. "Oh do you like this girl?" Said Sarah. Well uh her dog died. I say. "Ah not following." Said Sarah. She was really upset and I felt bad and she asked me out and I didn't know how to say no and I tried to tell her we probably shouldn't go out and I couldn't cause I didn't wanna upset her when she was already crying about her dog. I say. "Ah okay." Said Sarah. I mean a lot of people are expecting us to get together but I don't think I like her like that. I say. "No you know you should go out with someone just because you feel sorry for them." Said Sarah. Yeah. I say. "Don't worry right girl will come along just you wait." Said Sarah.

*Saturday Charlie's birthday*

"You came." Said Charlie.
Yeah of course I did happy birthday. I say.
"I said you didn't have to get me anything." Says Charlie. And I ignored you. I say.
"Come on." Said Charlie.
Am I the first one here? I ask.
"No your actually the last we're over there lane 17." Said Charlie. I feel like I know her from somewhere. I say. "That's Elle she used to go to our school she would've been in your year but she moved to Higgs,that's Isaac he doesn't say a lot but he's really nice and you know Tao sorry In advance if he says anything rude to you that's just the way he is." Said Charlie.
Okay. I say "ready to meet them." Says Charlie. Yeah. I say.

"Everyone this is Nick." Said Charlie.
Hey. I say. "Hey." Said Isaac. "Oh good were just choosing fun names for the board." Said Elle. Fun names? I say. "Yeah and for the record Elle smells was Tao's idea." Said Isaac.
We play bowling and I win. We then have another round and I win again. Charlie thinks I cheated.

I go and get everyone drinks and more snacks and overhear Tao and Charlie in the bathroom.
I stand next to the door and hear what they're saying.
"I don't like seeing him mess with you." Said Tao. "Do you really think he's messing around?" Said Charlie. "I mean that's what it looks like." Said Tao. "But he's,he's my friend."said charlie. "Fine but if he's even slightly mean to you-." Said Tao. "You'll murder him I know." Said charlie. "I was gonna say I'll send him a strongly worded d'm but murders find too." Said Tao. The walk out of the bathrooms and I'm panicking because of what he said.
"Ugh just go." Said Tao.
"Hi." Says charlie.
Hi I say.
"Are you getting food." Said charlie.
I just hug him.
And we go back to playing bowling again and Elle wins this time. I sit next to Tao. "Good game. Said Tao. Good game. I say back. "Chip?" Said Tao. Offering me a chip. Thanks I say. "I don't know if this thing with charlie is a joke or not but for some reason he really likes you and your messing with him and I will not tolerate it so consider this your final warning." Says Tao. Yeah,your right your a good friend . I say. "I know." Said Tao.
We then all go on the other arcade games and me and Charlie try to win a donut plush from the claw machine. Come on come on come on,what ok I'm almost out of money now . I say. "Don't look at me I'm not giving you more  just so you could lose again." Said Charlie. Fine I see how it is. I say. So I um I kinda overheard you and Tao in the bathroom earlier. I say. "Oh." Says Charlie. I wanted to say sorry about the date with Imogen thing. I say. "You actually went on a date with her?" Said Charlie. No no she just asked me out and I was so surprised and all our mates were watching and expecting me to say yes and I was such an idiot I just blurted out yes because I didn't know how to say no without embarrassing her and confusing all our mates and then her dog died and I felt really bad for her and I'm so sorry. I explain to him. "Isn't that what you always tell me not to say?" Said Charlie. Yeah but I've actually done something bad. I say. "Yeah we'll it's not like we're you know officially dating or anything ." Said Charlie. I'm gonna make it right with Imogen I'm gonna tell her I don't like her like that. I say. "Okay." Says Charlie.
I wish I met you when I was younger. I say.
"Yeah." Said Charlie. I wish I known then what I know now. I say. "No being sad on my birthday." Said Charlie. So you gonna open my present then. I say handing him the bag. "Yeah as long as you don't mind." Says Charlie. Well I kinda wanna see your reaction I genuinely didn't have time to go out and buy you something so sorry it's a bit hand made, that was just one of my favourite days ever so I really like you . I say. "You like me?" Says Charlie. Wasn't that obvious. I say we both laugh. Do you like me? I say. "Yes obviously." Says Charlie. Why are we like this? I say. *they both kiss*

"Come on we need to find a basketball machine." Said Charlie. Me and Charlie play Mario kart charlie wins again. How do you always beat me. I say. "I don't know what to tell you I was just born to race." Said Charlie. You wanna get slushies. I say. "God yes." Says Charlie.

*the next day*
Hi. I say.
"Oh my god is this Nellie." Said Imogen.
Im really sorry about your dog I thought Nellie might cheer you up a bit. I say. "Thank you." Said Imogen. Sorry about yesterday. I say. "It's okay." Said Imogen. Imogen I- your a really nice person but I don't like you like that it's not anything to do with you I just don't think we really fit together I'm not sure that I fit with you or other people in our friend group. I say. "But we've been friends for so long we hang out every morning." Said Imogen. Do you ever feel like your already doing things because everyone else is and your scared to change or do something that might confuse or surprise people your real personality is been like buried inside you for a really long time I guess that's how I've been feeling recently,sorry that probably makes no sense. I say. "No I think I get it thanks for being honest." Said Imogen.

*the next day at school*
Me and Imogen are talking. "So how was your date." Said Harry. "We decided we were better off as friends." Said Imogen. "Alright what did Nick do." Said Harry. "Nothing I just think I could do better." Said Imogen.

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