Chapter 6 : Girls

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Nick's POV :
"Mamma Mia." Said Sarah.
We've seen that like 4 times this year already. I say. "Well  I don't know you think of something  while I go dish out the pizza." Said Sarah.
"I've got it,pirates of the Caribbean it's a classic what do you think." Said Sarah. Yeah sounds good. I say. "Do you remember that summer when you were like 11 and you had to watch this every evening." Said Sarah. That wasn't every evening. I say. "It definitely was cause I could quote it word for word by the end of it and I new it was because you loved Kiera knightly ." Said Sarah. Mum. I say "what she's a very pretty girl." Said Sarah. Please stop talking. I say.

Elle's POV:
I'm sitting at lunch with Tara and Darcy looking at our phones. "This is a conversational lunchtime gathering we've got here,Elle are you looking at Timotheé chalmet's Instagram again." Said Darcy. No. I say. "What are you doing then." Said Darcy. Nothing I say. "Probably texting Tao." Said Tara. I can text my friends if I want to I say. "Texting Tao again interesting  interesting indeed ." Said Darcy. What are you implying ? I say. "What do you think I'm implying." Said Darcy. I think I have a crush on Tao. I say. "Eee oh my god I knew it." Said Tara. "I knew it." Said Darcy, shut up  its not like I could say anything to him he's my best friend and he definitely doesn't like me back I  tell them. "You don't know that." Said Tara. I definitely do I say. "You don't even want to try telling him." Said Tara. No can we just talk about something else. I say. "Ugh boring." Said Tara.

Nick's POV :
I can't believe you get the whole day off to rehearse for this. I say. "Sometimes playing a musical instrument has its benefits." Said Charlie. When is the concert. I say. "Friday night." Said Charlie. Can I come I ask. "What why?" Said Charlie. Because your performing. I say. "You don't have to come you've probably got way more interesting things to do." Says Charlie. "Charlie come on your drum kit still isn't set up." Said the music teacher.

"Hi nick." Said Tara.
Tara your in the orchestra too. I say.
"Yeah." Says Tara.
I have literally no music ability Charlie tried to teach me the drums once and I'm absolutely crap. I say. "You and Charlie getting along well then." Said Tara. Uh yeah,actually well we're sort of going out. I say. "Are you." Said Tara. I mean we haven't made it official or anything but yeah please don't tell anyone. I say. "No of course it's funny how things turned out between us." Said Tara. What do you mean? I say. "I mean when we were 13 I thought we were going to be boyfriend and girlfriend forever." Said Tara. Yep so did I,are you and Darcy out to your friends then. I say. "Since I uh posted on Insta everyone kinda knows now um some people were surprised a couple of people already knew ." She said. *Darcy blows the trumpet in Tara's ear* "Darcy!" Said Tara. "Triumph at last." Said Darcy. "Come on girls we're running through it again in a minute." Said the music teacher. "We're here all day if you want to meet us for lunch." Said Tara. Yeah that'd be nice. I say.

Charlie waves at me.
I wave back.

*lunch time*
"Oh my god we found another one." Said Darcy. "You can't tell anyone,she won't tell anyone." Said tara. Yeah i umm I'm not really out yet or anything. I say. "Do you wanna be?" Said Darcy. I don't know I don't even know what my sexuality is. I say. "That's okay tara didn't know she was a lesbian until we kissed like 6 times." Said Darcy. "It was 2 times." Said tara. "Oh my god you know what we need to do double date us and Charlie tomorrow night before the concert milkshakes." Said Darcy.  I like milkshakes. I say. "Good." Said tara.

Charlie's POV :
Tori walks in.
You can't come in here nicks coming round. I say. "Oh I didn't realise you were in a committed relationship." Said tori. What,we're not he's not, shut up. I say to her. "Wow so not ready to tie the not yet then." Said tori. Shut up even if we were together. I say.
*nick knocks at the door*
*they do homework*
"So how about the concert tomorrow night." Nick says. You really don't have to come it'll be boring . I say. "No I want to support you." Said nick. Ok but if you change your mind that's fine. I say. "And Tara and Darcy want us to go get milkshakes with them before it starts like a double date." Said nick. I've never been on a date. I say. "Me neither wanna go on one." Says Nick. Yeah I say. "Cool um I'll see you tomorrow." Said nick. Ok bye. I say "bye." Says nick.

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