Chapter 2 : Crush

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Nick's POV :
I'm scrolling through Instagram and looking at Charlie's posts and I see a picture of the changing room hallway with the caption "I hate this place" I decided to message him about what happened earlier.

Are you feeling okay?
yeah I'm fine don't worry
You sure ??

You can talk to me about it if you want
Sounds like a pretty serious situation
But you don't have to
If you don't want to
But I am your friend and I do care
Well it started last September
*charlie tells Nick the story*
Sorry I know he's your friend
Well he's definitely not anymore!!!!
GOD I hate him so much
Please don't ever talk to him again
If he ever comes near you again I'll kick his ass

*the next day*
Elle's POV :
I sit down in my class and my teacher comes over to ask how I'm doing and tells me to try to make some friends.

Charlie's POV :
Mr Ajayi. I say walking into his classroom.
"Charlie spring." Said mr Ajayi.
I have a question. I said
"We'll I am officially a beacon of learning so fire away." He said. How do I stop liking someone specifically a straight guy. I shout.
"Ah a question for the ages I thought you had a boyfriend." He said. No no he was horrible this is someone else. I say.

Elle's POV :
I sit down in my form class and I hear someone say my name,it was Tara I had dropped my pencil case and she wanted to give it back to me. She asked if I wanted to meet up with her for lunch. I go to the lunch hall and Tara waves at me to come sit down. Hi. I say "so Tara said you had no friends." Said Darcy. "I didn't say that." Said Tara. Darcy offers me a monster munch. They asked me about Truham and I told them I kept getting suspended for my hair length.

Charlie's POV :
"This is Nellie." Said Nick showing me a photo of his dog. Oh my god she's so cute i wish I had a dog my parents don't like animals I say. "You should come round my house and meet her are you free on Saturday ." Said Nick. Yeah I think so. I say

"Hi." Said Tori.
God Tori. I say.
"Where are you going?" Said Tori.
Round a friends. I say.
"Tao's?" Said Tori.
No his names nick,is my hair too short. I say
"It looks the same." Said tori.
But does it look okay. I say
"It looks the same." Said tori again.
Great,thanks. I say
"Have fun at nicks." Said Tori.

I walk to nick's house and ring the doorbell.
"Hey." Said Nick.
Hey. I say back.
"This is Nellie." Said Nick.
Hi Nellie your so adorable. I say.
"You got a haircut." Said Nick.
Is it bad? I say.
"No no you look it looks great." Said Nick.
"Ok you better come in or Nellie will think we're going for a walk." Said Nick.
Okay. I say and walk inside.
We play Mario kart "come on come on I'm in the lead can you let me-." Said Nick. I'm not letting you. I say. "Can you let me win one time you've already won like 5 or 6 games." He says. I win again and he asks me how I'm so good at Mario kart. I tell him that he gets to be good at real sports and I get to be good at fake ones. "Your just good at everything." He says.
No I'm not. I say laughing.
"You are,you're a proper little nerd." Nick says.
I tell him I'm not. "Let's see your good at video games,literally all school subjects but especially maths,playing the drums,befriending dogs and you are good at sports like you run so fast." He said. I tell him to shut up then look out of the window oh my god. I say. "What?" Says Nick. It's snowing. I say. We run downstairs and Nick gives me one of his hoodies and we go out into the garden to play in the snow.

We play snowball fights and catch snowflakes and make snow angels. Nick takes lots of photos of us and Nellie lying in the snow.

Nick's POV :
*later that day*
"Charlie seems like a lovely boy when did you meet him." Said Sarah. Uh a couple months ago he's in my form. I say. "He's very different from your other friends isn't he,you seem much more yourself around him." Said Sarah. Do i? I say. "You do." Said Sarah.

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