Chapter 2: Reunite

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2 years later...


We, or I, have been trying to locate where Rainbow Dash has moved to. I'm a senior and about to graduate in about 2 months. My friends gave up half a month after she left. The worst thing is that you and Rarity are dating again. She's really nice to me and she's really obedient, but after all this time, I still haven't managed to fall for her again. Which is a good thing, I want to dedicate my love, my heart, to Rainbow Dash, even if she might never forgive me for what I said to her. Since she left, I've been trying hard to become the captain of every team sport, in memory of her. We're having a football match with this school called Cloudsdale Athletics Academy for the first time. They seem to have elite athletes, so I have very low hopes of beating them. 

I walked and walked through the school hallways until I reached our field. The opposing team had already arrived and I studied each of the members of the team. Their height, their muscles, literally everything. It's to observe your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. I learned that from Rainbow Dash, the living football legend herself. Just hopefully these people play friendly and fair, unlike Crystal Prep who still beats us in a lot of sports.

I looked around the pitch a little more to observe my opponents, until my eyes met with magenta ones.


Two years have passed since I joined CAA (Cloudsdale Athletics Academy), and everything has been AWESOME. I've made great new friends like Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Misty Fly, and Soarin! They're all on the football team, except that Soarin's on the boys' team. Unfortunately, I've been pretending and finding excuses to avoid our game with my old school, CHS. But, the coach just insisted that I had to play in this game and he didn't trust that my excuses were actually true, which it actually wasn't. However, I would do anything to avoid going back there again, seeing my friends, and everything.

Once we arrived at CHS on the school bus, I let everyone get off the bus before I did. I didn't want to see my old school so soon. I slowly made my way off the bus, paying attention to every step I took. I looked around to check on my teammates and if I knew anyone on CHS's team. I didn't see anyone that I was close friends with for a few seconds until my eyes met with emerald ones. 


Is that Rainbow Dash? No way, there's no way she'd come back to CHS. But, there's a chance she joined CAA. Oh no! How am I supposed to play while she's my opponent? I doubt I'll do anything right! If she says "hi" how do I reply? OMG! I'm so nervous. What if she hates me now? Oh, she probably despises me and I'm sure she never wanted to see me again!

But, as I looked into her eyes, I saw kind and gentle eyes looking at me back. I was surprised and shocked. Even more, when a smile crept up her face. I put my hands up to my eyes and rubbed them to make sure I wasn't dreaming. And I wasn't dreaming. I really wasn't Rainbow Dash was right there, smiling after everything I said to her 2 years ago. 

I looked away from her and made my way to the coach to confirm which position I'd play in.

"Applejack, you'll play Right-back." He said.

I was happy that I got that position because it was my favorite one to play in, but that meant I'd be facing Rainbow Dash since she told me her favorite position is left-back.

I groaned loudly in my head wishing I never joined the football team. The worst thing is if Rarity found out Rainbow Dash was here, looking at me, smiling in kindness, she's totally going to rage and kill her. I honestly don't understand why Rarity even likes me so much, what's there to like?


The one person I never wanted to see again was staring right into my eyes. I didn't know what else to do but smile. I didn't know why I smiled. I didn't want to. Why am I so happy to see her? I know I still love after all these 24 months... But, she doesn't feel the same way and only wants to break my heart for disrespecting Rarity and her relationship. 

She continued staring into my eyes until her coach called her over. How am I supposed to focus during this match? 

I got into my position, which is left-back and I was right across Applejack. When the referee blew the whistle the striker, Spitfire, immediately passed the ball to me. However, I was too busy thinking about Applejack that I stood still on the spot and let my opponent take the ball from me. I cursed in my head knowing there was no way I could possibly focus. 

Fleetfoot managed to steal the ball from CHS and continued to dribble until she was close to the goal. But, Applejack and 2 other girls were blocking her, so I ran to the side of the net and she kicked the ball to me and I scored. My teammates all ran to me in joy, they continued saying I was their football savior and they didn't know what to do without me, which I found really, embarrassing. 

After the game...

I was exhausted from all the running, but I managed to get my head off Applejack for most of the time... As I ran to the bench to get water, someone placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, sugar cube." She said in a country accent. Applejack.

I was frozen. I didn't know how to act. What do I say? What do I do? 

"Can we talk?" She asked, "Just you and me." She added.

"What do you want to talk about? Make it quick. We're gonna leave soon." I told her in a rude tone.

"Just follow me." She said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into a classroom inside CHS.

When we were in the classroom, she started: "Look sugar cube, 2 years ago, I didn't mean to say that. Rarity had a gu-"

Ugh. Not this again.

"Shut up Applejack." I cut her off, "I don't want to hear it." I said as I dashed off at my super speed. 

Why would she think I'd still listen to her after everything she said to me? I don't trust her. I don't think I'll ever will anymore.

She won her heart, but I didn't. ONCE AGAIN.Where stories live. Discover now