Chapter 4: Lightning Dust

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I just got a call for AJ. She said she got accepted and will be joining us today. I'm extremely excited, everything will be back to normal, we'll have the best time of our lives. I was quite concerned about leaving our other friends, but Applejack talked them through it, and if she really wanted to stay with them I wouldn't have minded, but she chose me. And I'm so happy that she did.

All I'm worried about, is her...

By her, I mean-

— — —

"Hey Dash!" A blonde-haired girl greeted me and swung her arms over my shoulder.

"Hey Lightning Dust, how was your week? U16B team kicked some ass last week. You? Well of course 

"The U16A kicked some Canterlot butt. Ha!" I bragged. Then I felt her hands slide down to my waist flirtatiously and I slid away from her, "Also, I have a girlfriend." I told Lighting Dust.

Her eyes changed from golden to a darker color. I could sense evil intentions in her eyes the moment I said "girlfriend".

The front doors suddenly screeched open, and a girl with a cowgirl hat wearing our uniform stepped into the school. I immediately ran away from Lightning Dust and embraced my new girlfriend.

"Applejack! How was your weekend?" I asked.

"Great! You?" She replied.

"Perfect, knowing that I'll see you nearly every day." I told her while kissing her cheek and her face turned red and blushed madly.

"Hey Dust! Come over here and meet Applejack!" I exclaimed.

She walked over slowly and she was madly staring at AJ, and I had an idea why.

"Hey, I'm Applejack." She said as she put her hand out to shake hers.

"Lightning Dust." She replied plainly while returning the handshake. 

"Oh wait! Bye girls! I need to get to my class! You two should have a free period. Bye!" I waved to them, then I sprinted off to class.


"How long have you known Rainbow Dash?" I asked Lightning Dust.

"Since we were children. She kinda forgot me though." She replied, "You?"

"Oh, we met in CHS, a few years before freshman year," I told her.

"I see." She replied, then she pulled me into a dark hallway, "Huh?"

"Look, I know you're Rainbow's girlfriend, but I liked her first, so stay away or I'll make her hate you for the rest of your life." She threatened.

"I know this threat. But, it never works. Rainbow went through it, so I'm sure I can. I won't trust your stupid threats. I'm not goody two shoes here, I can fight, and if you want it, oh, I'll give it to you alright." I threatened back.

"YOU -" She screamed then took a deep breath, "You don't know what I'm capable of, you wimp. Now stay away from her, don't say I didn't warn you." She threatened once again as she walked away.

I felt nauseous. Why do I get the feeling what she says is true? But, I'm not about to lose Rainbow Dash again. They do seem like great friends, so hopefully I would win Rainbow's heart, not her.



I'm so sorry I haven't been updating but school is so busy! And chapters may be a little shorter than before. I'm really sorry! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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