Chapter 3: Shocking News

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Why do I always have to be so stupid? Of course she's not going to listen to me! 

I walked to the cafeteria and greeted my friends. Once I sat down next to Rarity, she gave me a light kiss on my cheek, but I was thinking about what happened with Rainbow Dash earlier, I didn't even realise she kissed me. 

"Darling? Are you alright?" She asked me in worry.

I was shocked to even see the worry in her eyes. I didn't think she even cared for me. 

"Yea..." I lied. I wasn't about to tell her about what happened with Rainbow Dash, or even mention that she came back, well temporarily.

"Applejack?" Sunset asked, "A word please?"

I followed her out of the cafeteria and into the janitor closet. 

"What's up Sunset?" I asked her.

"It's Rainbow, isn't it?" She said.

"How did you-" I said until I got cut off by her.

"I've been keeping something from you." Sunset admitted.

"Huh?" I asked in curiosity.

"I've actually been in contact with Rainbow... For a while... And, well, we're kind of dating..." She confessed.

None of my friends knew what happened with Rainbow. They just think I'm her good friend.

"Oh. That's great." I replied with a few tears in my eyes.

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry from keeping this from you for such a long time... She did tell me that well, you two were dating..." She said.

"No, no! It's fine." I lied.

Suddenly, the bell rang. It was time for class.

"I'll see you later." I said.

So Rainbow and Sunset huh... She obviously doesn't like me anymore. I don't think she ever will again... 

I think I've finally found the motivation to give up. Maybe I should've from the beginning...


I don't know why Applejack would think we would talk about that. She ruined me. When I finally thought that someone would love me, she only wanted revenge. Sunset confessed to me saying she likes me, and I do too. But, it's different it's not like how it was with Applejack. It's a lot more different with Sunset. I don't feel like we can last long.

The CAA football team is having lunch in the CHS Cafeteria, and once I got my food, I immediately ran out to the garden. I didn't want to see Applejack. 

I heard footsteps behind me and my bacon-haired girlfriend was standing there looking at me eating lunch in the garden.

"Rainbow?" She asked, "What are you doing?" She added.

"Uh... I decided to eat in the garden cause well, you know." I said.

"Oh... about her, I told her. About us." She confessed.

She won her heart, but I didn't. ONCE AGAIN.Where stories live. Discover now