In Which Santa Gains a More Supple Veneer to His Skin

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"Well I myself thinks he looks absolutely terrific!" Bernard explained with as much enthusiasm as he possibly could to all the elves around the workshop. A few days had passed, and both Dad and Curtis gave the heads up that this plan was a green light.

Every single elf was gathered, round curious eyes staring up at us from every direction.

"He's much better, and fresher! Somehow than he's been in years!" I added to give Bernard a break as his voice was beginning to crack a little, and I could tell that he hated every second of this.

"There's now a more supple veneer to his skin," Bernard motioned up to his face with his fingers, "And any added luster to the thickness of his hair!" He grinned, his face more vibrant and animated than I had ever seen it before. "You could almost say there's a-" His voice caught in his throat. "A- a toy-like quality to him." Bernard nodded, his face pausing in another frown as he clasped his hands together.

I noticed a few elves were staring back at us with amused expressions. They probably never saw Bernard so much as smile, at least, not at them for a few hundred years. More so, to give a speech of this kind? I didn't blame them. I'd be smiling too if I was naive to the fact that we were going to have a hunk of plastic running the North Pole for the next twenty-something days.

"Anyway-" I interrupted as to stop Bernard from going on about his "toy-like qualities". "Most importantly, Santa is very happy with his new look, and I would caution you all not to point or stare or... er- use the word plastic." I tried to grin widely but I could feel the corners of my mouth dropping into another nervous grimace.

"Okay? Okay!" Bernard laughed uncomfortably, patting my back with one hand and clenching his other fist tightly at his side. "Alright, thank you! That's all, back to work please!" He clapped his hands together and smiled stiffly.

As everyone disbursed, he turned to me, still chuckling nervously, his cheeks pink. "Well that went well, I think." He exhaled hard into the air.

"Could have definitely been worse," I nodded slowly knowing full well it was pretty bad.

"Hey," Bernard lightly placed his hand on my arm, stopping me from turning away and leaving too. "Are you still mad at me?"

"No- I-" I hesitated, "I have a lot to do. I'm going to go see Charlie for a few days still." I crossed my arms and started to walk again.

"Well do you need any help packing or anything?" He followed me as I left the side Workshop doors making my way to the "Santa Corridors" of the building.

"I don't know, I think I'll be fine, but thanks." I gave a polite smile and ducked under the arm that he was leaning on my doorway.

"You didn't even fall for the doorway trick? That one always gets you!" He tilted his head back and looked at me like a little puppy looks up at you when they really want something. His dark eyes were rather charming, but as my dad said a few days prior, I was stubborn when I wanted to be.

I looked back at him with my eyebrows raised.

"Angieeee," He leaned his head on my door frame. "Angieeee," Bernard pouted, sticking his lower lip out.

I threw my suitcase up onto my bed and started throwing some outfits inside. They were all pretty "elvish", but I didn't have too many human clothes left after being at the North Pole for almost nine years.

"Angel Calvin, I can see your snow globe is orange, so I know you're messing with me." He crossed his arms, clearly surprised and annoyed that his attempts weren't working. "Can I come in? Please, love? I miss you,"

I finally took my eyes off of my suitcase and glanced back over at him. When we made eye contact, he smiled so wide and goofy that it caught me by surprise. If he had a tail I bet you he would be wagging it back and forwards.

Mistletoe and Roses: A "The Santa Clause" Story (Bernard x Female OC Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now