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They followed the stone path to the broken tower, being careful of who saw them, always sticking to the shadows when they had the cover; they climbed the iron gates to the underground tunnels that lead out of Winterfell, the same ones that Jon had taken not a day before. She took his hand, being careful with his wounds, and they ran through muddy water to the clearing on the other side. Brienne and Podrick would be waiting there for them. They didn't have much time. Guards and hounds were coming up short and they could only run so fast. Theon held Sansa's hand, ignoring the pulsing pain and the loss of blood, and pulled her to safety. When they reached the end of the tunnel, he held her by the waist and began lifting her up and over the last of the iron gates.

"Wait." Sansa whispered before leaning down to press her soft lips to his. Theon furrowed his brow in confusion, but kissed her back nonetheless. When she pulled away, he lifted her higher. A pair of strong hands helped her over the gate. Brienne was now holding onto the Stark girl, as promised. Theon started climbing the wall. He managed to get half of his body over the gate, but a blade to the back stopped him before he could make it out. Sansa grabbed Theon's arms and pulled him to the dirt with her. There stood Ramsay, breathless and furious, the glass still plumaged into his upper body. Brienne was the one to help Sansa to her feet, but she shouted and fought against her.

A guard came straight towards them, and it was Podrick who kicked his sword over to Theon. The Ironborn picked up the weapon and sliced the back of the Bolton solider's knees, rendering him weak. Theon disarmed the man, taking the bow from his back and an arrow from his bag, and before Ramsay could get his filthy hands on Sansa, he shot an arrow straight through his heart from where he lay. All was quiet. Ramsay looked down at his chest, then back up at Theon. "R-Reek..." he whispered before toppling over, landing just inches away from Theon. The Ironborn dropped his weapon and fell back, blood spilling out of his mouth in a fit of coughs.

Sansa broke out of Brienne's strong hold and moved to kneel beside her Father's ex-ward. She held him in her trembling arms, begging both her mother's Gods and her Father's Gods to spare his life. Theon tilted his head back to look at her... she was so beautiful. Eddard promised the Greyjoy's her hand in marriage to unite their houses and recover a long lost alliance. Sansa was to be his wife, before Joffrey, before Tyrion, and before Ramsay. He had always admired Sansa, though he'd never truly admitted it to anyone. He had been a foolish boy when the prospect of marrying her was told to him, but as the years passed he noticed her grace and her beauty--and when he was Reek, he noticed her bravery and her strength. Theon Greyjoy never once loved another.

"Go..." He whispered to Sansa, death thick in his fading voice. "Before they get you too."

"Theon..." Sansa could barely speak. Tears burned her eyes as they streamed down her cheeks. "Theon, you can't. You have to come with us. You promised Jon you'd protect me! You promised!"

Theon smiled, though he was in an immense amount of pain; his teeth and lips were bloody. "And I have. When you find Robb, tell him that Theon Greyjoy died saving the woman he loved." Sansa's sobs fell heavy now, and all she could do was nod. The light in Theons eyes slowly left him. "You're so beautiful..." He whispered before the light died completely and him with it. Sansa wanted to scream but she knew better... the guards would come to find them soon if they didn't hurry. Brienne had to pry Sansa off of Theon's corpse. They ran so far, and his body disappeared in the distance with the rest of Winterfell.

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