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"Will you hurry up Billy? The dance will be damned near over by the time we get there," Jenny scoffed as she turned her head to check on Billy.

"Once again we're going to miss all the cuties and get stuck with the Wallflowers," Samantha made a face at Billy as she quickened her step.

The three sisters were heading into town for the annual Fall Festival where everyone went to eat, dance, and most importantly flirt! Everyone in town joined in the festivities, from the children to the elders, dressed in their best and hungry for pie.

Billy, who was the least excited for the festival, called out ahead, "Sorry guys, I'm going as fast as I can. Maybe you should go ahead without me and I'll go back home." Billy was the wet blanket of the group, if she wasn't looking for excuses not to go to something she was sabotaging whatever event she was at. At least that's what her sisters thought.

"Oh no you don't. If you go home then poppa will have a fit with us for leaving you," Jenny said. "You're coming with us and you're going to have fun."

It didn't take long for the three girls to arrive at the gazebo in the town square, after all the town was small. Well that and the fact that Jenny and Samantha had insisted on running up the hill leading to the town square. The rest of the town, it seemed, had already made it to the dance; the gazebo was filled with jiving bodies and loud chatter.

The large structure in the middle of the town square sat at the top of the hill was surrounded by the park's lush green grass that refused to accept the turning of the seasons. The outside of the gazebo held handfuls of couples sitting on blankets basked beneath the moonlight where they could, finally, get some time alone. Littered between the couples were haystacks and dozens of pumpkins sitting at their sides.

On the opposite side of the gazebo were games set up on the lawn where the children and families could enjoy wholesome fun like bobbing for apples and ring toss. Children slipped from view of their parents and ran around the staggering sets of couples, playing hide-and-seek behind bushes and jumping up to scare them while they kissed.

The three sisters stood at the entrance to the gazebo staring at the dance floor full of people swing dancing to the big band playing in the corner. In another corner sat three different tables with pies, for whoever felt faint while dancing and just needed a little bit of a nibble---or maybe a big bit of a nibble. There were lines for the apple pies and pumpkin pies but the line for Mrs. Suthy's meat pies was more than lacking.

Samantha took a step forward and flicked her hair, "Alright girls, it's about time I find myself a hunk. See you at 11 by the pies and don't be late."

"We'll meat you there, Sam!" Billy always had a way with words. "Get it? It's a play on words because we're meeting by the meat pies, funny, huh?" Billy chortled, amused by her own joke.

"Just be there by 11, Billy, and don't do anything stupid," Jenny said.

The other girls were not amused however and just as soon as they had arrived, Jenny and Samantha had vanished, leaving Billy all by herself.

Billy was nothing like her sisters, not only did they seem like strangers but they looked like it too. Samantha was popular amongst the boys, very popular, and it wasn't hard to see why; she was gorgeous. Her long blond hair dangled by her waistline which was tiny while her bust---was not.  Jenny, while not as popular as Samantha, was a jive bomber, hypnotizing all the boys on the dance floor with her swinging feet and her sweet honey brown eyes. The two of them side by side there was no question that they were related, in fact the whole family was like that. Except for Billy.

Billy was small and homely looking with her short brown hair, bob style, and a fringe that covered her dark green eyes. She was barely anything to look at and would usually get looked past. On top of that she wasn't social like her sisters and hated being out in public; all she wanted was to be left alone at home where she could escape her bland reality.

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