December 19th Chapter Two

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The man's question may be disguised as though Kreese is giving Johnny a choice but Kreese has always had a way of making him feel as though nothing is ever actually his decision to make.

No this, It's an ultimatum, as it always is with the older man. One that Johnny doesn't reply to, scowling at Kreese.

''Listen to him, Dad, he only wants what's best for you,''

Johnny's eyes dart over to his son as the kid speaks, glancing at the boy as though he'd been stricken.

It's the first thing the kid had even said to him.
Should've known, it figures the kooky old man would stoop low enough to brainwash Robby.

Johnny looks between his son and former Sensei, and he sees the slight lift of Kreese's lips. The manipulative grin he's grown accustomed to. Johnny knows that Kreese believes that Robby's wrapped around the man's finger. Is on to the fact that his son is being used as mere leverage to get back at him. Kreese doesn't care about Robby like the kid thinks and perhaps that's the most painful part of it all. The fact that Robby's trust isn't easily given is something Johnny is still working, groveling for and Kreese betrayed it that easily.

He doesn't let it get into his head, only steps forward, looking at the wrinkled man with utmost hatred, and sends a kick. Robby gasps.

It doesn't stop there, he punches and pummels the elder. Kreese's hands go up in an attempt to block his hits but it barely does so.

Kreese's hands raise, predictably to attack him yet the older man doesn't get a chance to. Johnny benefits out of Kreese's face being left unprotected, that's where Johnny manages to get the other good. Kreese looks at him before spitting out blood.

Capriciously Kreese snaps. Attacking right-back, baited by Johnny making the first move. There's a second where his attacks are even synchronized with Kreese.

''Is that all you got?'' Kreese challenges, regaining composure, breathing heavily, and swiping away at the blood gracing the man's lip.

Things only begin from there.


Feeling overexerted Johnny's body bashes harshly against the cream-colored wall, suffering from Kreese's latest attack. Fortunately, he finds his fingers just barely skimming against the impressive collection of weapons. Looking over there are Nunchucks, blades, and daggers, adorning the wall. Taking his choice out of the ensemble, Johnny latches ahold of a Sai hanging on the wall, clenching his other hand into a fist. Just about ready to make a move until -

''Stop, don't do it!''

Breathing heavily Johnny halts his movements, panting, Sai in one hand, fist a mere distance away from bashing into his Sensei's face again. Guiltily he turned to look at his son, head swiveling to truly get a good peek at the younger. There was Robby, the boy who lingered about unsurely, whose eyebrows were pinched kneading together stressfully in what Johnny knew to be fright.

Promptly Johnny dropped the weapon, as well as his fist, suddenly disgusted at having done this in front of his son. He could finish this, finish this feud with Kreese without resorting to a weapon.

Only when he let the Sai clatter to the floor, when he saw the apprehension resolutely bled out of his son's form, did Johnny finally look once more at his former Sensei.

The older man scrubs at a sweat-soaked brow, unprepared. Still, drunken on rage, Johnny, immediately threw a barrage of punches at the senior, Kreese seemingly hadn't expected his attack given Robby's distraction.

Luckily It was enough for him to knock Kreese to the ground. Johnny held the other down. Brutally bringing his fists down on the man's wrinkled face. Somewhere around the fourth punch Kreese stopped responding, and stopped fighting to throw Johnny off. Instead, the elder's head merely drooped side to side as Johnny continued on. It doesn't even hit Johnny that Kreese had fallen unconscious.

❥︎ December 19th {Robby Keene & Johnny Lawrence} ❥︎Where stories live. Discover now