December 19th Chapter Five

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The steady thrum of the hospital's machines about lulled Johnny to sleep when it happens. Robby wakes up.

It comes as a surprise, after waiting for so long It'd been surprising finally seeing his son's eyes open. Johnny jumps up from the residence he'd long since taken in the uncomfortable plastic chair. Surging forward to the younger.

''Ugh,'' Robby groans, fidgeting and messing with the oxygen mask plastered to the kid's face.

''Robby, hey, settle down, hang on let me help you there,'' Robby looks at him wearily at first before doing just that.

''Thanks,'' Robby muttered almost silently, not wanting to try out any louder volume yet. ''Still, could've gotten it myself,''

''Oh, I'm sure you would've eventually,'' Johnny retorted sarcastically. ''You've been out for a while do you need anything?''

''Water,'' Robby croaks out, testing out the voice horse from misuse.

Johnny grabs a bottle of water that had been left on the table handing it over.


''Thanks. How long,'' Robby coughs, having greedily sipped at the water. ''How long was I out for?''

''Few days, you woke up a few times but were so out of it. Pretty sure the doctors gave you the good stuff,'' Robby rolls his eyes. ''Thank fuck your up, kid. Gotta' say I was getting bored without you, even the nurses here won't talk to me,''

It's apparent that something is on Robby's mind but the kid has yet to voice it.

''And Sensei?''

''Taken care of,'' Johnny spits out dubiously.

Robby seems to leave it at that.


''Yes, It's good to see you up by the way, what are you wait, are you...Are you surprised it's me?''

''A little,'' Robby answers honestly, the kid must see something on his face though. Because his son rushes to find a more appeasing response. ''Don't get me wrong, It's nothing bad just new,''


Robby's eyes narrow at him, sweeping an analytical gaze over him before nodding. Johnny ponders the meaning behind the look, why the kid had looked at him as though Robby genuinely can't figure out why he's here.

''I wasn't expecting you to stay,'' Is all Robby says. And Oh, that answers his question now, doesn't It? ''Don't look at me like that. Don't make it a big deal, It's just that you've never been here when I woke up any of the other times I've been in the hospital,''

''I know,'' Johnny stayed silent afterward. Regret pooling in his eyes. ''How're you feeling?''

''I feel fine,''

''Seriously, Robby,''

"Robby just gives him a heavy dosage of eyebrow before speaking.

''Fine, I feel like I've been skewered like a poor attempt at a shish kabob, there I answered. You happy, Dad?''

Johnny winces.

''No, I could get someone in here, might be able to help a bit,''

Suspicion shines through Robby's features.

''For what? So you can throw it back at me by calling me a pussy for needing help?''

''Call you a pussy, Robby, - You were... you were just stabbed!'' Johnny cries out incredulously.

❥︎ December 19th {Robby Keene & Johnny Lawrence} ❥︎Where stories live. Discover now