December 19th Chapter Three

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Johnny isn't sure how the man had done it but Kreese had gained the upper hand. As the man always seems to.

And Johnny? Johnny feels like he can't breathe, it's happening again. Kreese's forearms lock around Johnny's throat, in a vice-like grip that only seems to be tightening. The pressure started out as a warning at foremost. Uncomfortable but not deadly, not nearly enough force to fully cut off his airway. However, the sick bastard seemed to be putting more pressure into the grip by the second.
His chin knocks against the limb harshly as he thrashes. It's all too familiar, Johnny feels panic creeping up at the thought.

He thinks that It's over. He's going to die. At the hands of a vengeful karate that He'd let back into his life. What a pathetic way to go out.

The worst part is he knows It's over because this time there's no Miyagi here to protect him, this time Kreese is serious about ending him. There's no chance, no hope of getting out of this.

Spluttering, Johnny grimly realizes that he's still the same pussy he'd been as a teenager, still too much of a weakling to save himself, nothing to show for his life, and a son that had a right to be disappointed in him, he'd failed. And now, Johnny would never be able to undo any of it.

He'd die, and Robby would never know how sorry he was, would never know that Johnny was sorry for any of it. The last words he'd ever hear from his son would consist of Robby feeling as though he'd abandoned the kid for Miguel. That he'd never cared.

It's bittersweet to think about that, has Johnny feeling regret.

Blearily Johnny looks to the side again, minutely wondering if he'd imagined it within his haze or if he had really just seen that Robby had woken up.

Johnny blinked once more, trying to shake away the image of his son. It was still there. There blinking rapidly, and wobbly trying to get to his feet was Robby. The brunette appeared to clearly be dazed, but there was no mistake about what scene Robby was witnessing: Johnny being choked by Kreese.

''Dad,'' A voice questions unsurely. Kreese's hand was still around his neck at having been caught.

''Sensei,'' Robby clamors on. ''What do you think you're doing?!''

"Oh.. oh so Johnny hadn't imagined it, he hadn't potentially killed his son, and Robby was awake. Speaking even. Good to know.

Kreese chuckles although it certainly isn't good-naturedly.

''Would you look at who decided to join us here, Lawrence,'' Kreese declares. Scratchy tone nothing short of mocking. ''Nice to see you up, Keene,''

Robby's face grows firm, more serious.

''Don't change the subject, I asked you what you're doing to my Dad,''

''Only what needs to be done, boy, If your father isn't with me then he's against me. And I can't have that,'' Said Kreese, calm as ever, Johnny's ears were beginning to ring. ''I neither have the time, utilities nor patience for enemies,''

''Dad, Dad get up,'' His son chants, voice laced with despondence.

Johnny tries he really does, but he just feels so weak. His head is pounding, feeling weighted, Kreese won't let go and he..he can't breathe.

''Get your fucking hands off of him!'' Robby yells at Kreese.

It was futile. Even the kid knew that, scrummaging up a different approach Robby tries again.

''Sensei, please, Sensei let go, really you're killing him, I said stop,'' There's a hitch in Robby's voice. ''Stop It,''

When it's clear that it isn't working Robby attacks Kreese only for the man to swat his son away. The kid who's still weakened from earlier, falls to the floor.

❥︎ December 19th {Robby Keene & Johnny Lawrence} ❥︎Where stories live. Discover now