December 19th Chapter Four

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Its Daniel. Johnny knows before he even hears the man's voice, doesn't have to look up, Because of course, it's Larusso, why wouldn't it be, when it's always fucking Larusso.

The man practically seemed to spawn anywhere Johnny was. Johnny notices, that his rival seems just as rageful as he'd been upon arriving here. It's only when the other speaks that Johnny understands why.

''You sent your students to My house, you came after My daughter? You wanted a fight, didn't you, you son of a bitch! Well, I'll tell you what, now you've got one!"

Daniel LaRusso blatted, approaching Kreese, blinded with red-hot fury, Johnny knows his rival is likely having tunnel vision.

At the moment it's probable that the dark-haired man wasn't even catching sight of him or Robby, too blind-sighted by rage. Even looks to be the case.

''I told you by now LaRusso that this was inevitable, It appears,'' Kreese murmured, getting up from the floor. ''That you really should have listened,''

Kreese continued approaching the younger man, steps leering and purposeful much like they'd been with Johnny.

Johnny had to give it to Larusso, the man didn't appear affected or unnerved by Kreese's threat in the slightest.

Daniel merely got into his fighting stance and defended himself from the kick. He blocked and dodged every punch thrown at him.

Kreese's fist furled itself into the polyester fabric, tightly gripping Daniel's shirt, scrunching at it.

"You can't keep up this defense-only shit forever,"

Johnny wants to agree, wants to throw it out there that he's told Larusso time and time again to strike first. He doesn't.

"Then it's a good thing I don't have to," Daniel corroborated, dislodging the older man's arms with ease by jamming a fist to the back of the man's neck. It's an ease Johnny himself had lacked, one he wished he had. Johnny fights to survive, and Larusso fights with a passion, one that's ingrained into every fiber of the man's being. Daniel enjoys fighting and karate, Johnny does it because he has to.

A second later Daniel delivers a powerful blow to Kreese's shoulder.

The two traded blows once more, Johnny noticed Daniel being a bit more offensive this time. Doing more than just dodging.

Then, in a turn of events, Johnny watched as Kreese grabbed LaRusso, hurling the man over the shoulder and throwing the younger through the window, effectively shattering it.


Shellshocked more than he'd like to admit at what he'd just seen. Johnny stares at the busted window for a second or so. Before he gathers his senses, he can see if Larusso's alive later. Right now his main concern was his son.

Johnny looked down, looking at his son's face which he held in his lap. He scrutinized the youngers face and came, not for the first time, to the conclusion that the younger urgently needed medical attention, and fast.

It was his fault that Robby had been stabbed, there was no denying that, but he'd be damned if his kid died because of him. He'd already wasted more time than he had by not getting Robby help. While it's true that he hadn't been able to call for aid earlier, considering Kreese's unpredictability and overall the man's presence. He can now.

Johnny takes Larusso's distraction as a chance to look for his phone. Luckily finding it a few feet away where it'd fallen during his encounter with Kreese. Cursing at having to get up, Johnny gently lays his son down. Only to grab at the device. It seems to of cracked and looks a little worse for wear but it surprisingly works. And that's all that matters to Johnny.

❥︎ December 19th {Robby Keene & Johnny Lawrence} ❥︎Where stories live. Discover now