1 - Count Your Bones

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It feels like fucking years before he sees the first non-cop car pull up to the asylum. The second it parks, two people rush out and run towards them. 


Pink cheeks lets go of four eye's hand to hug her parents, and from there, more and more people start to get picked up, saying tearful goodbyes and sharing hopeful smiles. The group begins to dwindle, but some extras still need to stay to be questioned. 

Those extras' parents are forced to stay until then, nervously fidgeting. It gets on his fucking nerves. Deku eventually gets questioned, and he has to let go of his hand so he can talk to the annoying cop alone. 

He watches as much as he can without looking suspicious, which isn't much since the icy hot bastard is practically breathing down his fucking neck the moment he looks over towards Deku. 

Annoying fucker. 

Then it's time for him to get questioned, and nothing is out of the ordinary. Just bullshit like 'Where were you when everyone was outside?' or 'Did you see any of the two missing people and when?' Which he could answer with easy half-truths and more bullshit. 

He gets the sense that the cop just wants to go home and get this shit over with, by the many times he glances back at the asylum for the other cop to come out, or the way he wipes his eyes roughly. 

He goes back to the group after all the questions and the cop follows behind him, calling the rest of the extras for questioning. He glares at Icy hot when he passes and gets an annoyed look back.

Deku meets his eyes, and they join hands again, the familiar heat of his hand keeping him distracted from the annoying fucking presence of Icy Hots monster, who just keeps fucking staring at him. 

It tries to talk to him too, letting out whispered mutters that he doesn't even try to understand. It's not like he gives a fuck why this thing is attached to icy hot. A couple of minutes later, a familiar black car comes into view alongside the others, and right when it's parked, Inko Midoriya runs out. 

An unexpected wave of fondness and relief washes over him, making his skin crawl. Seeing the short, green haired woman run over to the two of them with her arms outstretched and tears in her eyes brings new feelings to him after getting his memories back. 

She slams into the two of them, her arms tight around their necks as she cries. 

"Boys! You're okay! When I got the call from the police, I just couldn't believe it, none of you were hurt right?! Oh, please tell me none of you got hurt-"

Izuku rubs circles on her back with his other hand, his hair over Inko's shoulder the only thing Katsuki can see. He moves his other hand and puts it on her back, awkwardly keeping it there since he doesn't know what else he is supposed to do. 

"It's okay mom, me and Kacchan are fine, don't worry, please don't cry," 

Izuku's words blur out as Katsuki focuses on the heat of the hug. It's... comforting? But also uncomfortable, like if he stays in it too long, the heat will burn him. His stomach twists with another feeling and the urge to get away grows stronger.

He lets his hand drop away from her back and pulls away. Izuku does the same, still reassuring Inko that everything is okay, his hand on her shoulder. The woman still looks slightly panicked, her green eyes shining with fresh tears and concern. 

"Have they found your friends yet? Their parents must be so worried, I can't even begin to imagine what i would do if you boys went missing like that, I hope they find them soon," 

The woman rambles nervously, her eyes flickering behind them at the asylum to their faces. Katsuki feels someone staring and glances over, meeting Icy hot's eyes. He is looking at him like he wants to rip his head off, and he glares back at him. 

The cop goes over to him and takes him for questioning. 

"Bakugou, where are your parents? Have you called them at all?" 

Inko is looking directly at him now, her hands clasped together as she waits for him to talk. He feels Deku's eyes on him and answers, 

"They're overseas right now on some business bullshit, so I didn't bother." 

Inko nods quickly, 

"You can stay with us! I can't in good conscience drop you off at your home all alone! I'm sure your parents would understand! Let's go home, and I'll make you boys some food!" 

Izuku removes her hand from her shoulder as she walks quickly to the car, the two of them following. Izuku gets in the car first, Katsuki sliding in behind him. Inko turns on the ignition and the car headlights come on, illuminating the trees in front of them. 

Even with the lights being so close, it doesn't even show three feet into the dense trees. Music softly plays from the radio as Inko reverses, turns around, and drives away from the asylum. 

'Teach me to love just to let me go... I can't believe that I'm not enough...' 

"Honestly Izuku, I think I should start being stricter with these whole 'adventures' you're having! The only reason you convinced me to let you go in the first place was because you said you would be safe and responsible!" 

Izuku leans back against the seat and his shoulders relax as he leans his head to the side, looking out of the window. 

"Okay mom." 

Inko looks at the rearview mirror and then back at the road. 

"I just want you to be careful," 

She looks back at them again. 

"And you too, Bakugou." 

Katsuki nods and Izuku hums. Thats the end of the conversations in the car, the fatigue making both Deku and Inko quiet. Katsuki closes his eyes and pretends to sleep, leaning against Izuku. 

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