2 - One By One

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 When he opens his eyes again, the car is stopped and Inko is getting out, the sound of the door closing echoing in the small space. He turns, the weight of Deku leaning against him resting at his side. He moves his shoulder, nudging him with it.

"Oi, wake up Deku."

The boy grumbles something, his eyes closing tighter as he shakes his head, moving off of Katsuki's shoulder and leaning against the door instead.

Little shit.

"Deku! Wake up!"

He puts both of his hands on his shoulders and shakes him so hard his head bumps against the window a couple of times. The green haired boy jolts up and glares at him, clearly not happy being woken up so harshly.

His glare rests on him for a second before he looks around, blinking slowly. He turns to the window, seeing Inko's back to them as she walks to the front door to unlock it. He grumbles something like 'i don't want to move' before sluggishly opening the door and stepping out.

He follows out, his hands in his pockets as the warm air brushes his face. Izuku is walking to the door, his feet barely leaving the ground as he looks blankly ahead. Katsuki can't help but roll his eyes, but he still walks ahead to keep the door open for him.

He steps through and closes the door behind them, Izuku slowly leaning down to take off his shoes. Katsuki catches a look at the picture on the wall right next to the door. It's one of a little Deku, grinning ear to ear as he holds up a greasy pizza in his small hands.

The background is colorful, with slides and play places. Deku finishes taking off his shoes and walks forward, Katsuki sliding his own off.

Inko comes out from the kitchen and wipes her tired eyes, an apologetic look on her face. Izuku stops to look at her, and Katsuki finishes taking off his shoes as she talks.

"I'm sorry boys, I'm too tired to make you something, but-"

Izuku is quick to reassure her, and Katsuki is a hundred percent sure he is smiling at her from the way his voice sounds.

"It's okay mom, we're tired anyway. We should all just go to bed."

Inko doesn't say anything and Katsuki slides in next to Deku. Her eyes go over the two of them before she nods slowly, then smiles.

"Right. Well, you boys sleep well. I'll see you both in the morning."

"Goodnight mom, I love you."


Inko goes up the stairs, and they hear the door to her room close softly, following. They get to Izuku's room, and Katsuki just stands in the corner as Deku falls onto his bed. He searches for some sort of sign that this room is still the same one from all of those years ago, even though he knows that it is.

His eyes go over to Deku's desk, and right next to the trash can under it is something he didn't notice before. A plastic bucket, with a faded All Might on it. There are some black spots in the item, unable to be cleaned off.

He looks back at Deku to find him under the covers, his back turned to him. The moonlight from the window paints the room in soft light, and Katsuki slides down the wall, putting his legs out as he closes his eyes. Minutes pass, and Katsuki figures the nerd has already passed the hell out, until he speaks.

"About... What happened today."

Katsuki opens his eyes and looks at the bed, unable to see Izuku at all from where he's sitting. He changes his form, feeling his skin break away into nothingness as his perspective changes, bending his back forward so that he doesn't hit the wall.

He can see the entire room clearly now. Deku doesn't move at all, but he talks again.

"I don't want to see innocent people die."

Katsuki goes to say something, but Izuku speaks firmer.

"I know, Mineta wasn't exactly innocent, but still. I don't want you to get hungry either, so I'll help you get people who..."

His words are heavy in the air, and Katsuki answers back.

'Okay. Deal. But about that pervert freak. I didn't eat him.'

It takes a second for Deku to do anything, but he bolts up, looking up at him with wide eyes. His hair is a mess, pointing in a thousand different directions. Katsuki would have laughed if it was the right situation for it.


'I only ate that one extra. Not him.'

Izuku's brows are furrowed, and he frowns, opening his mouth to talk. Katsuki beats him to it.

'Shitty Icy Hot did. He has some annoying monster shit following him around. It must have gotten hungry.'

He expects him to instantly tell him that he's wrong, to say that stupid Icy hot would never do something like that because he's a good person, and the thought of that idiot's name coming out of Izuku's mouth pisses him off. But Izuku doesn't say anything at all, looking down, his eyes glazing over with that analytical stare he gets when he's thinking hard about something.

He then looks back up at him, his gaze still holding that look.

"I've seen it before. At least I think I did. Back when we went to that haunted forest, I thought I saw something behind him and when I heard that static sound you make, he turned in the same direction as me-"


Izuku nods,

"Yeah, that static sound you make, it's like,"

Izuku puts his hands up and wiggles his fingers as he makes a 'skkreee scakakaka skeeee' sound that would have made Katsuki grimace if he was in his human form.

'That's stupid. I don't make a fucking sound like that.'

Izuku nods firmly, his eyes shining with conviction.

"You so do!"

'I don't, shitty Deku!'

"Kacchan, I can literally record it for you when you do it again and show you!"

He sighs and continues.

"Back on track, why does Todoroki have something following him around too? You don't think he got it from the supermarket the same day I did, right?"

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