3 - Lie Awake At Night

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'Yeah, from how annoying it is, I'm guessing it's been there for a while...' \

Izuku's gaze falls to the ground, his eyes slowly losing that focused glaze, sinking into one of exhaustion. 

"What should we do?" 

Katsuki stares at him, not saying anything. The fact Deku can see Icy hots parasite is a big enough problem on its own. If that thing catches him looking, then it would probably try to shut him up. He feels something twisting in his gut, hot magna, urging him to shut this down. 

'We don't do shit. If that thing and Icy hot realizes that you can see it, you're going to be in danger, Deku. So just leave it alone and ignore it.' 

Deku looks back at him, a spark in his eyes, 


'I'm serious. Ignore it.' 

They stare at each other, a silent argument. He can feel the twisting of Deku's emotions through their bond, worry, guilt, anger, all of it. Katsuki's form ripples slightly, struggling to sift through them all. Finally, Deku looks away with a sigh, his shoulders sagging slightly. 

He falls back into his bed, taking his blankets and pulling them over him. 

"Okay. I'll ignore it." 

He turns away from him again, the only thing he is able to see is Deku's hair curling out in different directions, even more than usual. Katsuki decides to ignore the tight coil of frustration around Deku's words. 


Despite Deku saying that he would ignore it, that ball of emotions isn't wavering at all. 

'But Kacchan, Todoroki is my friend, we can't let him get hurt! We need to do something!' 

He grumbles at the impression of Deku in his head. With the conversation finished, the sounds of the house settling, and soft breathing are the only things breaking the complete silence. The sudden sound of Deku's voice makes him stiffen slightly and he snaps back to attention. 

"Goodnight Kacchan." 

The rippling of his form slows into a still, and he stares at his head, continuing to loom over him. 

"Goodnight nerd." 


'Kacchan, what if I try to talk to it?' 

'It will be okay Kacchan, Todoroki won't hurt me!' 

'If we try to talk to it, maybe we can figure out how to get rid of it!' 

'Come on Kacchan, it will be okay!' 

Katsuki stares at Deku, who is deeply sleeping. He isn't curled up anymore, spread out with his blankets pushed away from him, some pooling at the floor. He lifts his head, looking at the window. 

The twisting of his form and the warmth of flesh around bone fills his senses, and he feels himself get smaller. The sun barely peeks up behind the houses, just beginning to rise. His vision blurs when he stares into nothing for so long, and he blinks. 

Deku is still snoring, his mouth slightly open as his stomach rises and falls in a smooth rhythm. 

'Kacchan, I'm going to talk to him no matter what you say!'

'Todoroki needs our help, it's the right thing to do!' 

Damnit. The Deku in his head just won't shut up. The nerds phone resting on the bedside table is buzzing with messages. He glances at them, seeing a number of, 

'Did you get home safe?' 

'I haven't heard anything about last night, do you think everything is okay?' from Deku's classmates. 

He pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache starting to build up. 

'I'm not going to leave Todoroki in danger like that!' 

'It doesn't matter what happens to me as long as one of my friends is safe!' 

With one last look at Deku, he leaves the room with his uniform bunched into his arms, going down the stairs so fast he almost trips, and slightly slams into the door as he tugs his shoes on. Shedding his clothes, he puts them in a pile by the door as he puts on his uniform, not bothering with the tie. 

He walks out of the house and down the sidewalk. It would be faster if he changed forms, but he figures walking off the growing fire in his body would benefit him. Except that it doesn't, and when he gets to the school building, it's even more intense. 

Deku isn't going to fucking listen to him, so he might as well deal with this on his own. He walks into the building, his footsteps clicking on the smooth floor. There are some extras around, inside of classrooms, studying or rushing to get club activities set up. 

He slams the door to his own classroom open, already knowing who is inside. Icy Hot doesn't look up from his textbook when he opens the door or even when he slams it closed. He can't see the monster anywhere, but he can sure as hell feel it. Icy hot looks up at him when he stomps closer, his face stoic. Still, that doesn't cover the annoyance in his eyes from showing. 

"The police didn't take you yesterday, Bakugou?" 

He walks over to his desk, the bastards different colored eyes following him the entire time. 

"They would have taken your ass too, bastard." 

Icy Hot doesn't say anything, just looking at him. Then, he looks away and closes his textbook softly. 

"I don't know what you mean." 

"Don't fucking lie to me!" 

He stops in front of his desk, glaring down at him. 

"I'm not here to bullshit with you, so I'm only going to say this once," 

Todoroki looks back at him, looking like he is getting more annoyed. 

"Stay the fuck away from Deku." 

He gets a scoff in response. 

"What makes you think you have the authority to tell me what to do, Bakugou?" 

He relishes in the assurance in his voice and face and leans back, his hands leaving his desk. 

"Because if I catch your creepy ass anywhere near him, I'm going to tell him all about that gross fucking thing that's always following you around. That would include telling him about how you ate someone." 

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