5 - Boxed And Glum

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The red head comes back to the classroom, a nervous look on his face. He keeps glancing up at Katsuki and then back at the floor as he cleans up the blood. There are still some streaks of it, but after the water dries, no one else will know what happened if they don't pick up on the faint smell of blood. 

Katsuki would be yelling and even shoving him out of the way to clean it up himself, but his whole body just feels like it's made out of pencil lead, that even the slightest move will make him crack. He closes his eyes, letting the quiet wash over him. That is until shitty hair breaks it. 

"So... Why were you guys fighting? I've never seen Todoroki get so fired up before and it looked seriously bad, this much blood is totally not..." 

He trails off, thinking of what else to say. He lands on,


Katsuki scoffs, folding his arms as he opens his eyes to glare down at him. The other still hasn't stopped scrubbing the floor roughly, making sure there is no trace of blood left. 

"It's none of your business, shitty hair." 

Kirishima almost looks appalled by his words, his other hand coming up to his mouth to gasp. 

"I thought we were friends! We had tons of fun at the... Well, before all that stuff went down." 

Katsuki wonders how he would react if he told him that the reason those two extras are missing is because he ate one of them and Icy Hot ate the other one. 

"I don't like it when my friends fight and definitely not like this." 

He could always just give him some bullshit excuse, like how he just finds Icy Hot to be really fucking annoying, and how it just reached a boiling point. That would probably make sense to him, seeing as they have never once gotten along. 

But he isn't in the fucking mood to explain anything to anyone right now, much less Kirishima of all people. 

"Again, it's none of your fucking business why we were fighting shitty hair. I don't know why you care so goddamn much." 

Kirishima pauses his scrubbing, and looks right at him, a determined and serious expression on his face. His eyes are looking over his face carefully, as if to spot something. It's kind of funny how he can look so serious despite being on the floor, getting his pants wet from kneeling on the area he just got done cleaning. 

"It was about Midoriya, right?" 

That is definitely not fucking funny. Katsuki blinks. His brain runs over the words before slowly going through them as if they are some complex, hard to understand, secret alien language. Then, he goes to grimace, but his face is feeling hot, and he doesn't know what the fuck is going on. 

"What?! Why the fuck would we be fighting over that shitty nerd?!" 

Suddenly, he doesn't feel so drained anymore, annoyance and something else running through his veins. That must have been the wrong reaction, because shitty hair just smiles at him. 

"It's alright Baku-bro! I won't tell anyone, promise. I should have guessed it right away, Todoroki clearly has a crush on him, no wonder you two don't like each other!" 

"This isn't about fucking Deku!" 

Kirishima's smile widens, 

"You would go that far?! So, you like, love him then?" 

Katsuki feels his face warm up even more and his hands clench into fists. 

"I didn't fucking mean it like that, shitty hair." 

 He doesn't say anything else, glaring at the desk. Kirishima gets back to cleaning the floor, the sound of the scrubbing filling the silence. His face is slowly cooling down from whatever the fuck that was, and he takes a deep breath in and out. 

"You won't... tell him, right?" 

Kirishima looks back at him, and Katsuki quickly adds, 

"Because if you do, I'll fucking kill you." 

The red head quickly nods, pausing his scrubbing to give him his full attention. 

"I would never, dude! If you need any help, you can always come to me! Mina is much better at this kind of stuff then I am," 

He laughs, standing up with the rag in his hands, dripping water onto the floor. 

"Speaking of which, everyone should be here by now, I'm gonna go meet up with them before classes. You wanna come?" 

Katsuki shakes his head, going to lay his head down. 

"Hell no." 

Kirishima goes over to him, and Katsuki stiffens when he pats his back firmly. 

"Good luck." 

He glares back at the happy look on his face.

"I don't need it." 

Shitty hair leaves the classroom, and Katsuki is by himself, arms folded on his desk as he lays his head down. He knows that Deku would choose him over shitty hair any day. He has to. Because he's meant to be with him. 

Their souls are mixed, intertwined with one another so seamlessly that there is no other option, Katsuki won't let it be any other way. Not after all of this time, not after getting his memories back and being this close to him. 

He isn't human, and he will never be, but Katsuki won't let that stop him. He can learn to be though; he can learn so he can earn Izuku's heart. He will make him fall so in love with him that there will be no doubt in his head that Katsuki is the only one for him. 

Katsuki is almost back to normal, his energy replenishing, right when he senses a familiar soul. Right when he looks up at the door, Deku is opening it, green hair messy like always, his uniform on. He gives Katsuki a smile, but as he gets closer, it morphs into a look of concern. 

"Kacchan, what happened?! Why is your face all beat up and purple like that?!" 

Deku's green eyes are scanning all over his face, and he looks away. 

So, you like, love him then?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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