4 - Underground

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In an instant, Todoroki's relaxed body language changes. His hands tighten into slight fists, and he sits up even straighter, almost rigid. He can see the thoughts running through his mind, quick flashes. He feels his grin widen. 

"Deku would believe it if I showed him the proof. You know how he is; he would be devastated to know one of his shitty friends ate someone he knew," 

Todoroki doesn't say anything, but he can see how hard his fists are clenched. All he needs him to do is agree to leave Deku alone. Even if the nerd knows all of this already, it will get Icy hot off his ass, leaving him safe and away from that parasite. 

Even when this whole interaction has a different purpose, it's not like Katsuki doesn't enjoy seeing that relaxed, stoic face crack a little. 

"He would probably fucking hate you." 

He finishes his sentence before seeing Todoroki's hand change. The skin parts, but unlike Katsuki's, it starts to bleed, leaving a forming puddle under it. The small black tentacles wiggle, a buzzing sound coming from them. 

Katsuki is about to step back, but that gross ass hand comes right for him, grabbing the collar of his shirt. Todoroki stands up and slams his face into the desk. The only pain he feels is from the tentacles, latching onto the back of his neck. He can feel the skin cracking, his own form writhing. 

"I know that you've been mixing your soul with Midoriya's. I can smell it too-" 

Katsuki feels shivers run up his spine, and in his panic, spikes come up from his back, piercing through Todoroki's arm. He screams, letting Katsuki go to get away. The blonde pushes himself away from the desk, sending it thudding against the one in front of it. 

Todoroki pants as he rips out the part of the spike still in his arm. It dissipates, leaving blood on the floor. Katsuki knows Icy hot's voice, even when he's pissed off. That last half definitely wasn't him. 

The other boy glares at him, and he glares back, the both of them trying to catch their breaths. Then, the parasite speaks through Todoroki. The distortion in his voice and the way his eyes carry a manic gleam to them all have a sense of familiarity. 

"Get... Get out of my way! Stop trying to stop me! Midoriya belongs to me! I love him! I love him so much, I need his soul,"

His hand stops bleeding, completely healed now. 

"I love him more! I get to have him! His soul is mine to eat!" 

Katsuki feels his annoyance rise at the parasite, but even more at Todoroki. Even when the parasite is in control, he can still hear his own voice, clear and repeating every word. In one second, Todoroki's face is right in front of him, and his fist is connecting cleanly with his jaw. 

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" 

Before Icy Hots head can finish going back, Katsuki punches him again, spikes coming out of his fist, and piercing through his head. Todoroki's' eyes roll back, and blood comes splattering out of his mouth, but the blonde can already see the wounds starting to heal. 

Before he can throw another punch, Todoroki's fist connects with his stomach and suddenly, his vision turns white. All he feels is a hot stinging, the intensity so high that no thoughts go through his head. 

He feels something leave his mouth, and when his vision comes back, it's a black liquid. The tentacle is gone now, leaving only a gaping hole. He feels his body start to patch it up but knows that it's going to take a while. 

He glares, staggering forward towards the bastard, who looks just as fucked up as him. His face is mangled, blood coming out of the side of his head in streams. 

"You... piece of shit..." 

Katsuki stares at the black liquid on the floor. Something else rises up his throat, and he swallows it down, looking away from the puddle. Nothing happens for a while, Katsuki just focusing on getting rid of the gaping hole in his body. 

He is the first to be completely healed but he still feels fucked up. It's been a seriously long time, if there even was one, since he has been hurt this fucking badly. But like hell he will ever admit that out loud to shitty half n half of all people. 

Todoroki is healed completely a minute later, and Katsuki feels his skin starting to tear, ready to keep going. But then the smell of someone's soul breaks him out of it, and both of their heads look towards the door. A second later, it opens. 

Kirishima's grinning face greets them as he walks into the classroom. 

"Hey guys! Why..." 

He looks at the puddles of blood on the floor, their torn uniforms, and the blood on their faces. His smile is long gone, and he looks panicked, quickly walking towards them.

 "Oh my god! What happened? Are you guys okay?!" 

Katsuki glares at Icy hot, but the other looks like he's in another world, staring at Shitty hair with a blank look. Before anyone can do anything, icy hot takes his backpack and leaves the classroom, going down the hall. 

Katsuki doesn't bother stopping him, and plops down onto his desk chair. Kirishima is still freaking the fuck out, asking a thousand questions that Katsuki can't keep up with right now. 

"Why don't you make yourself useful and clean this shit up?!" 

Shitty hair stares at him for a moment, still clearly worried, before silently nodding and leaving, probably to the bathrooms. He knows he won't tell any of the teachers, no matter how worried he is. 

If one of the faculty members saw the amount of blood on the ground, then both him and Icy hot would probably get in serious trouble. To Kirishima, that might be the worst thing that could happen. In the moments of silence, Katsuki focuses on just trying to get his energy back. 

He can already feel hunger starting to bubble up, but he ignores it, at least for now. 

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