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The sounds of a Warpstar can be heard as Kirby flies through the sky. For once, he wasn't alone- he's joined by his best friend Bandana Waddle Dee.

Dream Land, and all of Popstar, for that matter, had been turned into paper. That wasn't as shocking as it probably should have been. Then again, they did get turned into clay and yarn in the past on two separate occasions.

The fields were still rolling green, the skies were still bright blue, and the rainbows were still looping.

Something was supposed to be going on today. Does Kirby know what it is?

Of course not.

Did he get the invite?

Yes... he just doesn't know how to read. Neither did Bandana Dee, come to think of it.

Kirby looked at Bandana Dee, noticing the Waddle Dee had been rather quiet. "Bandana, poyo?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine Kirby," Bandana Dee smiles at Kirby. Or as much as he can. Since Waddle Dees don't have mouths and all that.

Kirby nods with a happy smile as he directs the Warpstar's flight to Castle Dedede.

Upon arrival to the Castle, it was quiet... eerily quiet. Normally there'd be Waddle Dees bustling about, the loud voice of King Dedede, the murmerings of Sword Knight and Blade Knight... or even just the presence of Meta Knight, appearing wherever and whenever he pleases.

Except... there was none of that. Just eerie silence.

The Warpstar crashed into the ground. Kirby and Bandana Dee landed perfectly as Kirby's Warpstar flew away to... wherever it is Warpstars go.

Kirby and Bandana Dee walk down the empty halls together. Bandana Dee is a bit scared, and Kirby seems perfectly happy and oblivious to the silence around him.

Soon, they reach Dedede's throne room. Not a lot had changed from the last time Kirby saw it. Then again, when does it ever?

King Dedede was sitting on his throne... but something was off. He looked... 3D. Folded. Creased. Definitely-not-at-all the soft-ish, round appearence the overweight penguin usually had.

King Dedede sat up from his throne and walks forward. Then he draws his hammer. Kirby and Bandana Dee jump back, and then turn around and immediately starts running away screaming like a couple of young children as the not-at-all-round Dedede chased them.

To be fair to Kirby and Bandana Dee, Kirby is mentally seven and Bandana Dee is mentally eight.

So after a bit of running around screaming, Kirby and Bandana Dee were able to hide in an unlocked dungeon cell. At least sharp-edge-Dedede didn't get any more intelligent.

Kirby and Bandana Dee look at each other, blue eyes meaning chestnut.

Finally, they saw Dedede leave. Kirby and Bandana Dee started crawling further into the dungeons, until they heard a voice.

Is... someone there?

Kirby and Bandana Dee jump, looking around in a small panic.

"Who said that?!" *Bandana Dee asked.

"Poyo!" Kirby chirped.

I need your help! I'm... I'm... I'm in a very strange place.

"Where?" Bandana Dee asked.

It's cramped and dark... almost like I'm in between dimensions or something.

"Well, we know a bit about the space between dimensions... right Kirby?" Bandana Dee asked.

"Poyo!" Kirby nods in confirmation.

Kirby and the Origami CurseWhere stories live. Discover now