Chapter 1: The Red Streamer

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Ah, Cookie Country... Kirby could remember the last time he'd been there, with the windmill trees, the caves, the bright green hills, and the peaceful blue sky...

The last time he was here was a few years ago, when he was helping a certain deceptive egg repair his crashed ship, long before everyone got turned into paper. He, Meta Knight, Bandana Dee, and King Dedede had been through Cookie Country before, looking for the ship's parts.

Except now, instead of looking for ship parts, Kirby, Bandana Dee, and their new friend Olivia-Ribbon are looking for... something. They didn't really have a plan for what they were doing- they were just doing it.

Well, when in doubt, go fight a tree, usually Whispy Woods- though there have been some variations like Flowery Woods, Clanky Woods, and Tropic Woods. That means Kirby is on the right track.

While jogging through Cookie Country, happy as can be, Ribbon teaches Kirby and Bandana Dee about the not-bottomless pits and how to use the power of confetti.

They also came across pages of the Origami Biblofolds as they adventured through the countryside. Kirby is used to collecting things that made no sense to him- Energy Spheres, Sun Stones, and Code Cubes, to name a few from previous adventures.

Ribbon read through the Origami Biblofold, but since it's incomplete, it didn't make much sense to her.

Finally, they came across Folded Woods. Kirby grabs a Fire Copy Ability from a nearby Copy Essence, turning into Fire Kirby, and Bandana Dee prepares his spear.

Ribbon stayed back and cheered the two on as Kirby and Bandana Dee charge into battle against their new-yet-familier tree foe they've come so accustomed to fighting at pretty much every opportunity.

Folded Woods tried to drop origami apples, Gordos, and worms on Kirby and Bandana Dee, but the two were not having it. Nearly as soon as the fight began, it was over.

Kirby and Bandana Dee had beaten Folded Woods, who started crying, or at least, one tear dripped down from one eye. Because that's what all variants of Whispy Woods do.

Kirby and Bandana Dee stepped away for a minute. Ribbon flew up next to them.

Da-da-da-da dadadada, da-da-da-da-da-da-ta-do, doo-doo-doo-doo-doot-dat-doot-doot, ba-bee-boop bap beep ba-doop!

Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Ribbon did the classic Kirby dance. Which Kirby does every time he beats a boss.

With Folded Woods defeated, it was time to continue on their way.

At least now they know their adventure can't fail.

"So, these Origami Biblofolds..." Ribbon looks at Kirby and Bandana Dee. "If we can collect all the pages, I can probably open a way to the boss for us!"

"How many pages does this first one need?" Bandana Dee asked. "Compared to how many we have so far?"

"This one needs thirteen pages... and we have nine already!" Ribbon said happily. "If we can get the last four, this Biblofold can be really helpful... hopefully!"

"Poyo! Let's go!" Kirby said and started happily walking down the path again.

And then they ran into their first Paper Mache enemy.



Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Ribbon started climbing up the mountain on the edge of Cookie Country. Ribbon pointed to the Red Streamer.

"Look! There's the red streamer!" Ribbon said. "If we can reach the end of it and destroy the spool, we may start unraveling the binds to the castle!"

"Meaning we can take back Castle Dedede and rescue King Dedede!" Bandana Dee said. Kirby gives a firm nod and a determined face. He immediately started running forward. Bandana Dee and Ribbon follow after Kirby, both with determined expressions on their faces as well.

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