The two mysterious men and the doctor

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(This is MxBxM and 2 alphas x human, so two wolves mated to a human:))


I was walking down the street, I was exhausted considering it was around 12 at night.
I sighed as I continued forward and peeked into an alleyway when I walked by, only to pause in my steps.

Feet. I saw feet behind the dumpster, there was someone there.

Please don't be dead
Please don't be dead
Please don't be dead

I prayed silently as I walked towards the dumpster, peeking behind it only to see a bloody man who was very muscular.
My eyes flicked up to his face and I let out a breath of relief when I saw his eyes open and staring at me intently.

I let out a shaky breath and got closer to him, sitting down right in front of him.
"Are you okay?" I whispered, my voice laced with consern. Looking down at his bloody shirt and where his hand was covering his stomach which I guessed to be where his wound was.
"I'm fine, mate."
He spoke in a raspy voice, I looked up at him with a raised brow.
Hm.. what kind of nickname is mate?..

I looked around the alleyway I was now in the middle of. Seeing another dumpster and I saw another pair of feet, I hesitantly looked back at the dude.
"Are they dead?" I pointed to where the feet were and his eyes  followed where I was pointing, he smirked slightly and shook his head.

"No, far from it."

I sighed in relief and stood up, walking towards the other guy and squatting down slightly to look at him. He looked hurt and I don't know why it bothered me as much as it did. I grabbed his legs and attempted to pull him, putting my hand gently behind his head so it doesn't slam down on the pavement before I softly sat his head down. Taking off my jacket and putting it under his head, to make sure his head doesn't scrape the floor.

I pulled him to my best ability towards the man who was still awake. I huffed and took a break half way,
damn he's heavy
I sighed and continued to pull him, I got him beside the other man but the sleeping guy had his head the opposite direction than the other man.

I sighed and panted slightly, before looking around again, seeing a body behind some trash bags. I hesitated before I looked towards the guy who was awake "is that person dead?.." I asked, eyeing the body. He just chuckled and blankly said "Yes. He's dead."
I sighed, not even showing an ounce that I cared about the dead guy, only thing that matters is the two people that is alive.
The ones I can save

"What happened?.." I asked myself quietly before scooting closer to the man who was awake.
I was practically sitting in his lap now, I looked up at his face to which he was staring at me very intensely.

"May I?" I asked while I took a small medkit from my small bookbag I keep around
Never know when you need it.
I looked up at him and he nodded slightly,
I lifted up his shirt and examined his wound.
That definitely needs stitches.
I sighed and opened the medkit and started gently sewing the cut back up occasionally looking up at him and asking him if it hurts or not.

I was half way done when I felt another pair of eyes staring at me. I looked over slightly and saw the other guy staring at me very intently like the other guy,  making him look sorta intimidating although there was a soft look in his face which made me smile softly at him before I got back to work on stitching him. My hand grazed his stomach which made me remove my hands away from him like I just touched fire.
I was shocked when I felt electric shocks go through my hand that my heart started beating rapidly. I should hurry so I can get home. They scare me.

I hurried my pace, using scissors to cut off the excess string before I leaned back, examining my work I've done before I slipped off of him. Crawling the short distance to the other guy who was still laying down, I slung my leg over his and straddled his legs. Looking up at him

"May I?"
I asked softly, and smiled when he nodded. I lifted up his shirt, and repeated everything I did to the other guy.

After a while I got done and I sat back, looking down at the now stitched wound.

I sighed sliding off of his lap and standing in front of them both, the guy who was previously laying down sat up and they both were now sitting next to each other, staring up at me from where they were sitting. Only now did I realize how similar they looked.

"Be careful about moving around too much, you guys will reopen your wounds" I put my hand on my hip, looking at them with narrowed eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked them curiously.
"I'm Calvin," one of the men said.
"And I'm Sawyer" the other one said right after.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Harrison" I smiled at them.

"Now that you both are all patched up and good.. I should get on my way." I said, going to turn around.
They both sat up very fast.
"You're leaving?!"
They growled which made my skin crawl.

"Uhm.. yes?.." I spoke slowly, eying them both.
Calvin pinched the bridge of his nose before looking up to where I was standing in front of them.

"You can't just leave us here. We are wounded." He reasoned. Although they looked like they could be able to have their legs cut off but still be able to do their normal lives while bleeding out.
I sighed, I understood where they were coming from.

"Then... Stay at my house?" I questioned and they both nodded in sync.
I let out a deep breath before looking away.

"I don't know how we will be able to get there while you two are injured, I don't have a car.."
I crossed my arms, huffing.

"We can drive in our car. It's parked right out of the alleyway."
Sawyer easily replied to which I raised a brow.

"Then I don't really see why you guys can't go to your own home?" I narrowed my eyes at them.
"We are both hurt, and it's obvious that you know how to take care of us way better than we do. Are you really gonna let us die here? Hmm, Harrison?" Calvin raised a brow at me, my heart started beating rabidly at his deep voice saying my name.
I sighed and nodded

"Okay then.. let's go."

My eyebrows furrowed when I saw them obviously faking at not being able to get up. I huffed and rolled my eyes, walking up to them and grabbing Sawyers hand, trying my best to pull him up. Which was easier than expected, considering that he just got up on his own with me holding his hand.
Once he got up, I realized how insanely tall these dudes are.
I stood at 5'7 while they were probably over 6'4

I turned to Calvin and done the exact thing. I sighed and turned around, facing away from them.
"We should get going.. it's getting late."

With that, we were on our way to the car. For injured men, they seem to be walking quite fine which confuses me. Why do they need me if they can walk by themselves?..

Such mysterious men..

We walked to the car and I sat in the back, they seem rich.. couldn't they just go to a hospital or something?..

I sighed and gave them my address,

This shouldn't take long.. right?.


I don't know what else to put soo.. I might make a part 2 because there's NO SMUT 😭

Next up 'The wolf and the little 'elf''

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