The wolf and the little 'elf'

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From now on I might just do the same characters but in different scenarios, so the characters from 'the Mafia don and the dancer' will be the characters in here and in future chapters, (it's just hard to figure names and shiz out)

Enjoy :)

I was laying on my bed in the forest like I did everyday, I had really bad social anxiety so it was very hard for me to be around others and have social interactions with them, so I live away from the town and rarely ever go there. I live in the middle of the woods about 3 miles away from the nearest town. I usually just order stuff online, and I just text others (which I do not do often at all as I don't really have friends)

I don't really get a long with my family so I don't have interactions with them. Social shit was very difficult for me so I just avoided it at all costs.

My phone was across the room and I was just reading my favorite book, I was on chapter 56 and some interesting crap was going down. I laughed at the characters and rolled around in my bed from second hand embarrassment.

I flitched and rolled right off the bed when my ring tone started to go off, indicating that someone was calling me. My heart rate spiked and I started to shake slightly. Nobody should have my number so I didn't know who could be calling me.

I sat up and rubbed my lower back because it ached from falling off the bed, the ringing stopped for a second before starting again. I grabbed my phone and looked at the number but it was a unknown one.
It didn't show a number at all so I was confused, I hesitated before answering it.

I didn't know what to do so I stayed silent, my heart was beating rapidly in my chest and I held my breath because I didn't want them to hear me breathing because that would be loud. Could they hear me breathe? Should I speak? WHAT THE CHEEZE SHOULD I DO?!

I sat there and the other line was completely silent, my hands were shaking so much that I missed the hang up button.
Making me drop the phone, which made a loud noise eco though my quiet house.

Thats when I heard the other persons breathing, they were breathing very heavily and there was this really weird noise on the other side.

I picked up the phone and threw it on my bed like my phone was burning hot, before throwing myself in the bed as well. I debated wether or not to speak when a deep voice called out softly "Riley.." my heart stopped for a second before it started beating faster than before

"Uhm.. yes?" I asked quietly, mentally curseing to myself for sounding like that. I probably sounded so stupid.

The other end was completely silent before a groan was heard.
I couldn't help but let my mind wander, was he.... No. Theres no way he would be... Doing that.. on the phone with me... Who is this?!

I need to get my head out of the gutter, all those years with no social interaction is getting it's revenge.

I moved away from the phone and took a deep breath so they didn't hear me breathe because that would be weird.
"Who.. is this?" I asked nervously and the other line was silent for a second, there was ruffling on the other line and a quiet deep moan was heard.

I immediately jumped off my bed and ran out of the room. I stood outside of my bedroom door and peeked into the bedroom, watching the phone.
My face was beet red and my heart was beating rapidly, I was honestly starting to feel somewhat lightheaded.

I slowly tiptoed towards my phone again and pressed the power button so the phone would turn on, the call has been going on for 13 minutes now and there was barely any words exchanged, I was mostly sure that this dude was masturbating on call and that just made me feel weird inside, at one point I was weirded out. Mostly because this is a stranger who knows my name and is MASTERBATING ON CALL. And the other point I'm embarrassed and somewhat aroused.

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