Obsessed and the obsession

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I've been writing this story for A YEAR. I hope there was development in writing around the end started in 2023 February and ended in 2024 July 12


I laid on my bed waiting for the time to hit 5:00 pm so I can go downstairs to get the money for the masters.

See, this is a orphanage. Or something similar to it, they houses kids from the age 12 to 20 once they hit their 20th birthday they have to get a house. Sometimes the orphanage gets the kids started by getting a apartment for them to start with.

When you turn 16 you are obligated to go get a job, I'm 18 and I can't wait until I can leave. I'm sure I won't get adopted, master has made that obvious.

Master is horrible, he's the literal fucking devil. The worst part is that everyone believes he's a saint so no one believes me when I say that, he hurts me and.. does things to me that ruined me physically and mentally.

But master is a so-called 'angel' to everyone else so every time I tried to tell someone, nobody will believe me. So now everyone thinks I'm a nut job because of all the 'lies' I try to spread.

I have a nice room, but that's only because all residents have practically the same room but you're allowed to decorate it. Just no holes in the walls nor can you paint it because once you leave a new person gets the room.
But for me, I can't decorate it.

Although it's not like I would want to, it looks fine as it is and I'll just ruin it if I try to change it.
I checked the time and jumped up, it was 4:56 so I had to get going to the masters office.

I reached his door right as it was getting to 5:00 and I knocked on the door, "Come in" his soft voice was heard from the other side of the door, I opened the door and slowly walked inside.

"Took you long enough, bitch. Hurry and go get my stuff" he spat, throwing money at me.

"And I better get all the rest of the money back. Or I'll fucking kill you."

I nodded, grabbing the money and hurried out. He hated hearing me speak so I never did around him. He really despises me and he acts so much different than when other people are around, it makes it to where nobody believes me when I try to speak up for myself.

There was this one time I kicked master in the face and ran, I ended up getting shunned by everyone in the orphanage. Even others around town, I lost all my friends and acquaintances so now during the day if anyone sees me out of my room without it being time for me to go to the store they will go tell master and get me in trouble.
They just don't get it. He's going to actually kill me one of these days and nobody's gonna care.

I headed out of the orphanage with a few dollars in hand,
I already knew what I needed to get for master, beer and cigarettes. Master isn't able to get them himself (he's an addict) because that would ruin his perfect image. So he sends me instead because I know his true intentions. How awful he is, and everyone already has low expectations for me because of him so it wouldn't ruin anything for me. Not like I had anything to be ruined in the first place,

I got close to the store and zoned out a bit.
I was knocked out of my trance when I collided with something, more like someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going" I looked down, apologizing.

"It's quite fine, say... What's your name?" I looked up at him and was sorta shocked by his height hes taller than master!
But then again master is only a few inches taller than me, and.. this dude is way prettier than master. Masters bald, and this guy has hair! Also, master is old, and this one looks young. Older than me but definitely younger than that old sneezy grandpa. So this guy definitely looks way better!

I snapped out of it and answered quickly "Uhm, I'm Riley. What's your name?" I tilted my head to the side slightly as I looked up at him.

"Emiliano, nice to meet you Riley." The way he said my name made a shiver go down my spine. "I should.. hurry, I'm kinda in a rush!" I hurried past him and got into the store and grabbed the stuff I needed and paid with masters money, making sure I had all the change back. He would be very mad if I didn't have all the change, he would accuse me of stealing. There was this one time where a single cent was missing because It dropped out of a small hole in my pocket and I got a beating so bad that I was covered in blood and I could barely move the next day.

I definitely don't want to repeat that.

I hurried out of the store and ran down the street, I had to hurry back before I was late and get in trouble.

I arrived at the orphanage once again, I put the stuff in the spot master had instructed me to. quietly but quickly went up the stairs and to my bedroom, locking it. It wasn't like anyone except master would come into my room since everyone believes I'm the bad guy. After the accident that happened last time when master got drunk and came into my bedroom now I always make sure to lock my door at night. 

I'm scared, always have been. I hate the feeling of trust, of believing someone would ever save me from this retched world. I'm so sick and tired of everything, everyone leaves me and those who stay hurt me. 

I dont know how to act, dont know how to feel. I dont know if i can even feel anymore, everything- everything is just numb. This world sucked my life and soul out of me and will never give it back, I'm not sure I even want it back anymore.

I sat on my bed, focusing on the wall. Just staring at it, breathing in and out.

After a while I laid down, getting in bed without a word, without a thought.

I couldnt think of anything, how could I? I could barely breathe half the time. You think I have the time to just sit around and think? I fucking dont.

I just laid there until I heard something open, my heart jumped and thats when my brain started working, damn after all I said about no thinking here I am thinking? Well its well deserved I'm about to die here!!

I stayed silent, resting my body and deepend my breathing to a steady pace.

It didnt sound like my door was opening.. Was that my window?

I immediately forgot all my training and jumped up, seeing the figure coming through my window. They havent noticed me, their foot was caught and they were more busy trying to stay silent. 

I stood up slowly grabbing the cup next to my bed, it was empty and clean. Never used, wasnt allowed to.

I snuck up behind them and went to swing it at their head. 

"Whoa there Dove, dont murder me" 

He grabbed my arm, taking the mug out of my hand.

"Chill out, I'm not going to hurt you pretty boy"

Emiliano said, looking down at me like I'm some mouse who got out of their trap and was now just musing, standing there, looking at you as if nothing can hurt you anymore.

"Then why are you here..?"

I said, backing up from him, scanning my room to find something else to throw at his stupid head.

"To make you mine."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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