Ulterior motives

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Disclaimer: In many interviews Stephen King has stated that he had once started a story about a series of mysterious disappearances. A lot of people had last been seen entering the lady's restroom of an airport, only to never come out. He hasn't finished this story, because he's never been able to figure out whatever was going on inside of it. Here is what I think happened that day.


I don't know how to begin. I never do. I am, however, going to try and cover all of the events of the past months in a manner that is as concise and comprehensible as possible. The result may not be exactly satisfactory, as I tend to get all jumbled up when trying to remember stuff. But I will try, I swear to God I will. This story starts on the 21st of July, the day I was supposed to fly from New York back to my hometown. At some point I felt, like many people do, the urge to pee. So I went to the lady's room. The reason why I'm telling you this is that while I was doing my business I happened to hear some music playing faintly in the background. Some of the lyrics were:

You're counting all the sheep in the sky

Caught up in your web of lies

Everyone knows that (You've got)

Ulterior motives, tell me the truth

Every move shows-

I gave it no notice. I went to wash my hands, and now I was actually focused on the music. A weird feeling started to creep inside of me. The same feeling I sometimes get whenever I remember a scene from a movie, but I can't tell what movie it's from. I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all, as I never do. I immediately started investigating and opening all of the drawers inside of my brain to try and understand where the hell it could have come from, but I just couldn't. This uneasy feeling remained with me when I left the restroom, and for the whole duration of the flight. It did, however, fade away the following morning. My life went on as usual for a couple of weeks, until one day it finally clicked. I finally remembered where I had heard that song before. I rushed to my computer and opened youtube. On the search bar I wrote "Everyone knows that (lost song)". No result. I started researching every possible alternative, but nothing seemed to come up. The only result was a song named "Ulterior motives" that had 2 million views. It was the song I had heard that day at the airport restroom, and it had never gone lost. Funny, as I remembered that there had been countless videos discussing how this was apparently the most mysterious song on the face of the internet. I looked on other forums and such, only to find no trace of it ever having been lost. I mentioned it to my friends, and they didn't know what I was talking about. That's fair, I thought, as they may have never heard of it. I left the matter alone again, as I had much more important things in my life to take care of.
"-so now let's talk about the incident that has taken place this morning at JFK airport. 96 people have gone missing and were last seen entering the lady's room at JFK International Airport. But let's hear what Sandra has to say directly from JFK terminal. Over to you, Sandra."

"Thanks, Jim. Yes, the FBI has just arrived on the scene. Nothing of this magnitude has ever been seen before since 9/11. I don't know if you can see the helicopters- the helicopters that have just arrived. Over there you can see the procession of police vehicles lining up towards the airport. As of today, 96 individuals have been reported missing, and the last place they were seen at was right here behind me, in the women's restroom of the airport.
This is it for now. Back to you, Jim."

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