Keith and Allura, siblings?!

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Prompt: One on Altea, one on Earth. Brought together by a war. One changing their appearance to fit in and suppressing habits to not be outcasted. The other slept for a little longer waiting for the other to find them and hold them in their arms once again. Both memories are taken from them. Their hearts heavy with something missing, a secret revealed. Appearance changed back to normal. Happiness and Love all around...

!!!QUICK (not quick actually) BRIEF OF AU!!!

Au where the blade of marmora don't just have blades that work for Galra, but can also work for Alteans, but they did not know that. When the rest of Voltron gets curious as to why Keith and Allura seem to be getting closer by the tick, attached at the hip if you must say. Off track, they ask Coran if he had any intell of the situation. Not that they did not like the idea of the two getting closer. It's a good thing they were but it scared them how quickly it happened. Coran explains the two's past, them all finding out as the other two eavesdrop that they are in fact siblings. "How else do you think the Lions power up?" The Lions did not depend on the ship, but rather the twins' presence. With their quintessence on the ship they themselves are the key to the Lions whereabouts, power, and abilities." The two find out that Coran had been hiding this from them for the whole time, they had been together but had actually figured it out 1 deca-phoebe ago whilst they were exploring and found family pictures seeing a boy in the picture, white hair the same as the rest but his marks were red and glowed with confidence matching his smile. The name on the bottom reveals it all: 'Keith-Akira, Allura, Melenor and Alfor'. The twins both knew there was something missing in their life that they just couldn't put the finger on and now they knew what it was. They were close to each other nearly all the time, now that they had figured it out Keith's appearance had started to change, his hair was turning white from the roots as well as it shortening to a fluffy state on his head. His marks were also slowly coming back to life as he changed, to keep suspicion down he chose to hide himself only being around Allura for the time he was changing and came back out when had fully transformed. The team at first thought he was an intruder before he explained that his form before was a cover-up to protect him and Allura from the dangers of the galaxy. The reason that Keith was still in the same life-time as the rest was that his aunt and uncle had taken him to earth after they had built a quick house in the desert. All whilst he and his sister were placed in pods, but slept on different planets. Keith awoke first by a curious male who had ventured out for a safe place to stay. Whilst his time in the pod his body changed to match the rest of earth habitants, his hair darkened to black and grew out, his marks faded into the same color as his skin, the man took Keith under his wing as the kid had no clue who he was or where he was. Now that the twins are together again they are always running after each other in the castle. Laughing as the other had caught them, or giggling at one's joke. The others were frightened for a few moments till they relaxed when Pidge came to a conclusion that their bond had returned along with few memories that were also begging to come back the longer they were together. Keith had softened up to the team, being a lot more relaxed and less tense around them. Lance slowly fell deeper and deeper for the now discovered Altean and his heart was not giving him a break, he had loved Keith since the Garrison and his crush had not let up, especially now that he was some pretty whilst at the same time hot as guy. Let's just say Pidge and Hunk had a fair share of teasing to throw at the poor boy. Lance finally confessed to Keith when they were on a planet that was covered in plants and flowers. Keith had accepted his confession saying he had also fallen for the boy, Lance was beyond happy. A few weeks later they had gotten a distress signal asking for help, they went to help when the twins were taken hostage but it was a misunderstanding. The townspeople were just fascinated by their markings and hair color for they had never seen anything like it. (They apologized a lot before they let the Paladins leave, (Lance wasn't impressed and had his arms wrapped around Keith's waist the whole time they were on that planet) they formed an alliance with them, a shaky one, but an alliance) After the whole fiasco of Shiro, his clone and bringing him back to his body (Yada, yada, ya) they returned to the Garrison to reunite with family and friends. They saved Haggar by bringing her back to the right mind. The twins used their magic together combining their magic, setting Haggar free to her family and bringing the universe back to safety. It took a LOT from them so they were placed together in the same hospital king sized bed to heal with each other since their hands were frozen together. They woke up a deca-phoebe later. Lance being with Keith every moment he could. Allura ended up falling for Romelle who had always admired Allura even when they were with Lotor. When Keith and Lance got married after Shiro and Adam, who Adam had actually survived the war and was in hospital till they got word of his waking. When they kissed teal Altean markings found their way onto Lance's face, bonding them together. "Welcome to the family Lance, welcome." Same happened to Romelle but her marking instead just glowed brighter. Keith and Allura returned to Altea, meeting with the rest of their people who were over the moon to hear of their Prince's survival and their Princess's safe return. The race was purified by the twins, clearing their souls of the virus that cursed them. Lance and Romelle went with the twins, Lance's family also having nothing left on Earth for them and wanting to remain by Lance. They all lived quite happily in peace. There were never two rulers on Altea; there were the twins and their partner ruling by their side, sharing the throne and love. THE END

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