Kiss and Tell

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The next day we walked into school all mushy. But I was ok with it. Everyone was cheering again. But this time for both of us. Addison and Stacy interrogated me the whole day after that. I told them everything. Didnt really expect me to become one of those kiss-and-tell girls but apparantly I was wrong.

I hung out with him every day for like 2 months after that. Went to his basketball games, and went on dates with him, and he came to my ranch and played with my animals. Gopal loved him more than anyone else. He kept snuggling next to him. But as compared to Tabs? It was debatable.

He came to my debate club competitions (yes I debate, but are we really surprised?) and once a week we'd go to "our favorite tree'. It was in the backyard of my house behind the chicken coop. It smelled like chicken poop sometimes but that was ok because that didn't really seem to interrupt our making out. 

We talked for hours. He even hung out with Addie and Stacy sometimes. 

Justin was this really sweet guy. He hugged me when he was happy for me, held my hand when I was scared,  loved dogs and Tabitha (Gopal too) and he was a really good listener and comforter when I was sad. The best part? He trusted me and I trusted him and I'm glad I did.

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