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"I don't know why you even wanted to finish college, and have a degree

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"I don't know why you even wanted to finish college, and have a degree. You're going to end up marrying a rich man anyway." My mother keeps saying the same thing to me. Repeatedly, as a matter of fact, everyday.

"Let her be, mom." My younger sister said, opposing her.

"Do you think you'll ever meet someone who would want to marry you?" My father said, making me feel like trash, just because he is one.

"I don't know, and I don't care." I simply said, and walked away.

I have been living this life, but I can't call it my own because of how my parents treat me, us. My sister never went to college as she was married off to a rich man, and she's been nothing but a trophy wife ever since.

I refuse to live the way she does.

Ever since my biological parents died, I've had these foster parents who are both really good to me. I never felt like I was alone and not loved, everything was perfect, not until my foster mom died and my foster dad became a drunkard who always makes me feel like I am no good.

All I want is to feel like the way I used to. Way before my parents died, and right back to the times when everything is okay.

"You have to make sure you're doing the right thing Savanna, make sure you won't regret it if you decide to." My best friend Brianne said, making sure I'm certain with what I'm planning to do.

"I am, I have been thinking about it for a long time now." I assured her, and I think I've convinced her because her face relaxed.

"All I want is for you to be happy." She paused and held my hand. "I don't want you to be alone in a place where no one knows you, especially now that I'm leaving." She continued, with a worried look on her face. She is leaving as well, to have a better life for her own.

"I know, and you don't have to worry about me. Just promise me you'll be okay and that you will surely have the life you've always wanted." I comforted her as I squeezed her hand lightly.

"Hi, little girl. How is my favorite sister?" I cheerfully said, but whispered the last part to her. "Don't tell the others what I just said or they'll be jealous." I jokingly added. She hugged me with a huge smile on her face and chuckled.

"I am doing really fine, sister Maria said I'll be living in a new house next week." She giggled. She is just so cute and my heart melts everytime I see her.

"Is that so? You go on, and pack your bags then." I let her go and watched her run to their room. I walked towards Mother Superior's office. I must check on her as well since I'm here.

Finding Love Series #2: Hearts in FlameWhere stories live. Discover now