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Savanna's Point of View

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Savanna's Point of View

"You've made the right decision moving to this city, S." Brie smiled, that's all I needed to hear. I have been doubting my decision since I came here. I haven't made any friends and I haven't met anyone I can spend my time with.

"It doesn't feel that way, B. I've been alone, I'm glad you came here for vacation." I replied and handed her the coffee we ordered at the hospital cafeteria since I can't be out of the Emergency floor for a long time.

"It's been at least a month since I've left. Of course, I will come back and visit you." She chuckled as we both took our seats. "By the way, have you met someone through the app?"

"Oh, I'm glad you reminded me. I ought to kill you, that app is no use at all!" I joked and she immediately laughed at me. "This isn't a laughing matter lady, this is huge." She continued laughing as she took a bite on her doughnut. "B, with the username you put on my account and the photos we posted no one thinks I should be taken seriously." I raised a brow and that's when she stopped laughing.

"Those photos match your username. Don't worry S, you will meet someone worth it." She took another sip on her coffee and looked me in the eye. "Be patient, you know how many guys I've crossed paths with in that app before I met Christopher."

"I know, I know. It's just frustrating without you here. So it's either I start being friendly or that app gives me the man I'm looking for." I stated, without looking at her, just playing with my empty coffee cup.

"It's probably best if you try making friends, S." She worriedly implied, as she enjoyed the cake. "You're staying away from your family, I can't be here most of the time and we aren't sure when you'll meet the man of your dreams."

"I can't promise you anything, but I will surely try." I assured her that she could stop worrying about me, because she won't be able to leave in peace if she's going to think about me.

I was about to take a piece of the cake when I heard my pager beeping, a sign that I am needed at the emergency floor. I gave Brie a kiss on her cheek, "I'll see you at the apartment when I get home?" I asked and she nodded with a smile on her face. That's my cue to leave her there and run back to the emergency floor.

"Dr. Miller, we need you at trauma bay 5." Megan declared as soon as she saw me.

"Lana Moreno, 6 years old. Shortness in breathing, severe chest pains and swollen ankles." Leah briefed me with the initial information they knew about the patient. I walked up to the patient to check on her vitals. She is not looking good at all.

"Please, is she going to be okay?" A nun cried right outside of trauma 5 trying to get in, wanting to know what's going on with the kid.

"Get me a chest x-ray on this kid, stat." I ordered and they moved as fast as they could. While waiting I decided to walk out of the room to talk to the nun crying. "I'm Dr. Miller, are you the guardian of Lana?" I asked as I tried to calm her down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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