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Savanna's Point of view

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Savanna's Point of view

Feeling the breeze of summer touching my skin, it felt really amazing. Having a peaceful day after a long while of arguments with my parents really feels good. I really hate the fact that I live in a province where everybody knows everyone, and hears about everything.

"Sav, why did you have to say that to mom?" My sister Sierra asked as we walked by the shore barefooted.

"You know I've never liked it when they mandate everything I do." I answered with a frown on my face, staring to nothing as we continued walking.

"I know, but you wouldn't really do that right?" She questioned me with an accusing look, like she knows I will, but she wanted me to say no.

"I know you know I will if they continue pushing my buttons." I implied, and this time I stopped walking and faced the ocean. The sun is setting and my love for sunsets is undeniable, matching with the feeling of sand on my toes, ocean waves touching my feet and the wind of summer blowing.

I just graduated medical school and completed my residency, I am now a surgeon. My parents keep asking me to drop out of school and just marry a man they wanted me to marry. They've got a few candidates, and none of them matches my taste, or should I say, I don't like them because of the fact that my parents want them for me.

Dealing with a lot of disagreements at home, I needed this break for a while. I am glad I am here with my sister, although we have our differences. She chose to marry a man she never knew, and I refused to. I know they are happy, but I still don't like the fact that she has to give up everything else just to be a wife.

This isn't the old years where they only think of a woman as a housewife whose only duty is to take care of everything at home, give them babies and serve the husband. I am not trying to say that being a housewife is low, but women should have the choice of being one or not.

"Let's go Sier, it's getting late and my nephew is surely waiting for you." I sweetly said and smiled at her. She just gave birth to a cute boy last year, and he's just like a copy of Sierra.

"I just hope you won't have to leave Sav." She murmured but I clearly heard it. I know she'll be sad, but if my patience runs out, I am sure I'll be able to leave in an instant.

"This city is tiring Sier, everyone hears everything and reports to mom and dad. It's like they've owned everything and everyone around us." I explained, as we walked towards the car I drove us with, here.

"That's the good part of being the richest here Sav, you control everyone." She replied, with a sly smile on her face.

"Yes, and that's why I don't like it." I added, and I meant it.

As we reached home, we instantly got out of the car and I immediately went to my room without even saying hi to my parents. I don't have time for another argument that drains the soul out of me.

Finding Love Series #2: Hearts in FlameWhere stories live. Discover now