Who Are You?

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This is it......

I'm gonna die. I was dumb enough to leave what I had behind and now I can never go back. I can never live to be old, never go  finish college, never find true love, never see myself in a beautiful wedding gown. FUCK Why did I do this?!

I had no idea what to do. I looked up, shivering and staring up into the face of my killer, a vicious beast. But as I looked up, my world seemed to have stopped. Nothing moved. I tried not to focus on the big, saliva covered, and deadly but stationary teeth that were about to rip into my face before the wolf was snatched back over the rock it was currently crawling over.

It hit the ground with a hard thud and a yelp, followed by a few more yelps and barks of pain.

I peered over the top of the rock and watched as Mr Sexy And Mysterious strategically beat the living shit out of this wolf. He looked as if he was some folklore warrior, fighting a monster without fear. A punch here, a slam there, dodge, dodge, and then wham! And then the wolf was off, hauling it out of there before he got hit again.

The adequately clothed in fur (unlike me) mountain man looked at me with all his bad ass glory and walked over, pulling me from behind the rock.

"Was.......stupid. Could have been killed"

And we still can't be??

Shut the fuck uppppppp. He just saved us from imminent death.... well.....the painful one...

But you still admit he's dangerous?

Isnt that why we got attacked by a fucking wolf in the first place?! Of course I admit it! No matter how beautiful he is........there's something off about him....something.......


*mental sigh* She was irritating the shit out of me. I really needed to find a way to shut her up.

"Hey" He stopped power walking and turned to look at me. "Thank you for saving me"

He hesitated for a bit before replying, looking somewhat lost but all too serious at the same time for only saying "you're welcome". I couldn't tell if it sounded like a question or more of a statement of sarcasm......or both?

He turned back towards what I could only guess was the direction the mansion was in. Trying to keep up with him was a bit hard. His pace never slowed, whether going up or down a hill, or through, and with no regard of how long we have actually been walking. I, on the other hand, was alternating between trying to keep up with him with legs that have long since been burning and trying not to trip and die.

Grinding my teeth and pushing my over-flowed pain and stamina meters to the back of my mind, I threw myself into a jog to keep up with him for about the three hundred feet to the mansion's majestic mahogany looking front doors. Once inside I looked up at him, grimacing a little when I noticed he hasn't broken a sweat.....at all.

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