To Ask OR Not To Ask

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>.< dont hate me guys im sorry

My head was spinning. I couldn't really focus. I know I was still in the the bed. But I couldn't seem to place my surroundings. My brain didn't want to recognize anything. Not a goddman thing.

I tried to sit up. Tried. My arms felt like spaghetti noodles and my head felt beyond heavy, like that time I had about 400 faux dreads in my hair at my ex-boyfriends pool party before getting thrown in the pool. It was a nightmare. I had to actually hold the hair off my head in order to not break my neck.

Safe to say i retired from faux dreads.

Yea. Thank God.

Oh shut up. I felt the pain and realized my mistake. Suck a dick

Oh you mean like you wanna do to tall, dark and myster-

Thankfully she was interrupted by the main man of the mental conversation walking into my field of vision. Weird, I didn't hear him come in.

Maybe because he was here the whole time

Why would he have been watching me sleep?

Or he felt you thinking about his-

"How are you feeling?" I tried to sit up again to respond to him but he only pushed me back down. "Rest. Yesterday, catching up."

"You got that right" I mumbled to myself, giving up on trying to sit up and actually function. He only watched me, not saying a word and not moving. It was a bit creepy......but for some reason I didn't want him to stop. Why? Ask the drooling bitch in my head

HE IS SO DELICIOUS LOOKING. I mean look at the abs showing through the shirt! And those biceps! And the veins showing in his hands......Sweet baby Jesus mother Mary yessssss.

I worry about you

You mean you? I can only talk. You're the one soiling your panties.


She just chuckled and continued to swoon while I tried to discretely tighten the muscles of my thighs and slowly wrap one leg across the other.

"So why am I not able to function now? Last time i could walk and stuff"

"Last time you had days to recuperate" 

"Days?! How many?"


"Holy fuck"

He actually looked up at this, his fingers checking all my bandages. but he didn't say anything. Of course. But he did smile. Why? I haven't the slightest. 

Eventually he looked back down and continued. He had to re-wrap the bandage around my knee because of all the bleeding and then he stood looking out the window/door things. 

Whats his name?

You think I know?

Ask dumbass

I hate you

I know you do

"So have  name?"  Smooth chica

He looked at me again, seeming to ponder telling me. But then he did. And I sure as hell questioned it.


"Cayde? That's......a weird name. No offense"

He shook his head and walked over to the window doors and checked if they were shut.

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